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The Lex Irnitana and Roman Law-Discovery, Reconstruction, and Romanness of the Municipium Flavium Irnitanum

Lex Irnitana與羅馬法-Municipium Flavium Irnitanum的出土、重建與羅馬屬性


1981年春,一組業餘考古人員在西班牙南部的Seville省意外地發現六塊刻有拉丁文的銅版。初步研究顯示這些銅版上的文字乃羅馬帝國初期一座名為Irni的小城的憲章。Lex Irnitana的出土剎時成為羅馬學界的盛事。對羅馬法學者而官,這項發現代表的不只是一個邊陲小城的考古遺存,更是自1816年Niebuhr發現Gaius的Institutes以來最重要的古典時期羅馬法原始文獻。本文的要旨有二:一為介紹 Lex Irnitana的發現、重建與內容;次則藉由分析、展示Lex Irnitana中包含的羅馬法成分來說明其羅馬屬性(Romanness)—亦即Lex Irnitana和古典羅馬法之間的相似性。


Whilst searching for ancient coins on a hill named Molino del Postero located in the Spanish province of Seville in the spring of 1981, a group of amateur archaeologists armed with modern metal-detectors discovered, as an incidental bonus, six inscription-bearing bronze tablets and some small fragments. Initial decipherment indicated that these bronze tablets contain the great part of the city charter of a Roman town officially titled Municipium Flavium Irnitanum. This archaeological finding was soon hailed by Romanists as an ”event of the greatest importance”, and ”arguably the most important addition to the material for study of Roman law since the discovery of the text of Gaius' Institutes by Niebuhr in 1816.” This paper, as a preliminary introduction to the Lex Irnitana, is an attempt to explore some aspects of the municipal charter in question, including its discovery, reconstruction, contents, and, by displaying and analyzing the numerous Roman elements contained in its provisions, Romanness.
