  • 期刊


Development of a Psychotic Disorders Diagnosis and Medication Consultation System


在精神疾病的臨床醫療上,其診斷與適當的用藥很重要。本研究希望建構一個醫療諮詢系統。建構包括:主程式架構、影像擷取程式發展介面、資料庫程式發展介面和查詢介面等。並以DSM-IV中所提供精神病性疾患之鑑別診斷思考系譜圖,作為初步建構之基礎。 本研究初步研發完成之醫療諮詢系統,主要為一精神分裂症及其他精神病性疾患資料庫查詢系統,使用者可以鍵入病症關鍵字搜尋,並根據相關情況描述,以推論出符合之精神疾病診斷。此外,更可以針對診斷之病症,查詢病症資料說明與病症用藥資料,包含精神藥物的資訊及其副作用,以提供精神科藥物諮詢的服務。未來期望藉由多系統的整合,以應用於教育準專業醫療人員的實習與訓練。


The correct diagnosis and appropriate medicine use are very important in clinical psychiatric medicine. The purpose of this study is to develop a psychotic disorders diagnosis and medication medical consultation system. The development of this system is based on the decision trees for differential diagnosis of DSM-IV. The preliminary system of this study is the schizophrenia and other psychosis illness database inquiry system. The user can key in the disease-related keywords and get the appropriate disease diagnosis and appropriate medication suggestion by using this system. We hope we can develop and integrate more disease database to provide the better disease diagnosis decision support system in the future, as well as, we can apply this system in clinical staff practice and training.
