  • 期刊


Using RFID Technology on Chinese Medicine Clinic's Pharmacy Operation Management and Development of Intelligent Medicine Dispensing Cabinet


本論文研製之將以目前國內中醫門診後給藥流程應用於無線射頻識別(Radio Frequency Identification; RFID)管制配藥流程與人因角度幫助藥師提高配藥正確率為探討目標,利用導入RFID無線射頻管制系統,結合現有給藥流程三讀五對處理機制,以實例驗證與探討門診後給藥的方式與流程,開發出一套輔助藥師調劑作業之系統,提供查核驗證記錄。作業的內容包括:在最前端進行處方簽E化,以燈號檢貨系統幫助快速取得藥品,再輔以RFID增加管理制度上安全及準確性,並結合電子磅秤將資料記錄;以確保給藥安全及降低給藥錯誤率,並增加事後驗證機制以提升事後查核與驗;使藥師利用本系統可以更有效率調劑藥品,並提升其安全性及事後驗證,大幅提升國內用藥安全制度。


配藥安全 RFID 流程改善


We rely on pharmacist professional service for a long time. This research emphasizes on how to improve Taiwan's present clinic pharmacy dispensing system by introducing (Radio Frequency Identification; RFID) RFID technique to assist small clinic which hires single pharmacist that can't perform repetitive inspections. Human factor and new processes are taken into consideration to enhance the dispensing accuracy. By installing real system and reestablishing the dispensing process, our primary goal is to ensure the medication safety and to reduce the medicine risk. Our efforts include prescription electrolyzed at the front end, light-indicator-aided picking system to help the pharmacist taking the exact medicine during dispensing, RFID embedded cabinet to perform the double check procedure, electrical weighting scale to make sure the right amount to reconstruct the scene when errors do happen.


Dispensing Accuracy RFID Drug Administration
