  • 期刊


A Study of Breast Self Examination for Patients after Mastectomy


爲瞭解乳癌手術後病人執行乳房自我檢查的態度、行爲、規則性,並找出影響病人執行乳房自我檢查的因素,自擬結構式問卷,以郵寄方式給某一乳癌手術後團體遍佈全省的103名會員,共回收66份,回收率爲64%。 分析所收集的資料,結論如下:(1)乳癌病人手術後乳房自我檢查執行率爲86.4%,較手術前的51.5%高,而22.8%能定期自我檢查,13.2%執行時間正確,且是否定期乳房自我檢查與家庭有無癌症史,呈顯著差異。(2)75.4%執行乳房自我檢查的病人曾由醫護人員處理乳房自我檢查相關資料。(3)乳房自我中項行爲之執行頻率介於“經常”與“偶而”之間。(4)「年齡」與BSE態度量表得分呈現正相關。(5)「手術後時間」、「手術前、後執行乳房自我檢查經驗」、「乳癌一般概念」、「家人態度」與BSE行爲量表得分呈正相關。


The purpose of this study is to understand post-operative breast cancer patients’ attitude, behavior, regularity and related factors of breast self-examination (BSE). Self-developed questionnaires were mailed to 103 breast cancer patients from one post-operative breast cancer patients’ community. Sixty-six questionnaires were returned and the response rate was 64%. Data was analyzed. The results were: (1) The practice rate of BSE after mastectomy in the breast cancer patient is 86.4%, which is higher than the rate before mastectomy (51.5%) ; 22.8% of the breast cancer patients practice BSE regularly, but only 13.2% of them to practice at accurate time period ; there is a statistically significant difference between the patient practicing BSE regularly and her family history of cancer. (2)The proportion gaining information of BSE from medical personnel is 75.4%. (3)The frequency of “behavior of BSE” is between “often” and “seldom”. (4) “Age” and the score of BSE attitude is positively correlated. (5) “The experiences of practicing BSE before and after mastectomy”, “family members’ attitudes”, “post-operation period”, “and the concepts of breast cancer” were positively correlated to the score of BSE behavior scale.


mastectomy breast self examination
