  • 期刊


Family System Measurement as Family Systematic Paradigm: An Example of Differentiation in the Family System


本研究乃依家庭系統觀,以「情感共振」與「干涉侵權」之家庭系統分化架構,探討「多元系統—多元方法」進行家庭測量時的原則與問題。以在大學就讀學生之「起飛期家庭」為單位(包括家中的學生、父、母等三人) , 正式研究結果共蒐集到77個家庭的完整資料。主要結果包括:第一研究姿現成員問同時具備「一效性」與「不一致性」的現象,此種「同中有異」、「異中有同」的特性,反映出系統圳量時的獨特之處;第二,驗證家庭系統中的不等加性、家庭整體性並不能成功的被驗證,但驗證次系統的存在、以及驗證次系統之問具有關連性等系統理論;第三,在劃量對象上,結果姿現不同成員間的差異的確存在,故進行家庭系統測量之測量單位應以「整個家庭」為單位,故劃量對象應包括父、母、子三者甚至更多,所獲得的資料亦更接近系統性也更加豐富;第四,不同成員對於不同次系統知覺之分化內涵不同,故必須將不同次系統分開利量;第五,在家庭系統分析方法上,不同成員問觀點之差異性是確實存在的,而不適合使用「平均數法」與「差異數法」處理系統資料。最後討論系統測量在研究上與實務上的啟發與建議。


The purpose of this study, which is based on family systematic paradigm, is to explore the phenomenon of using multisystem-multimethod to measure family system. The instrument was the scale of Differentiation in the Family System (DIFS). The samples consisted of 77 launching families and one family is including one child who is studying in college or university now, and child’s father and mother. The main findings were as follows: 1. The results revealed that the conjunction of agreement and inconsistency among family members was found in a family. The phenomenon showed that in “ the sameness has the differentness” and between “the differentness has the sameness”, and it is the special result of system measurement. 2. It proved the system theory including “one adding one are not two”, existence of subsystems. 3. Every family member has different perception to the same dyad relationship, so the subject should use the units of whole family, including father, mother, and one child or more. 4. The same members of this family had different perception to different dyad relationship, so the content of instrument should include different dyad. 5. In regard to analyzable methods of family system, the variance is between family members, and it is not adaptation to using average method and variance method. The implications of these results for future research of family system measurement, and counseling practice are discussed.


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