  • 期刊

Collaborative Action Research Training for TEC Teacher Trainees in Taiwan: A Case Study



本研究目的在了解將行動研究加入台灣兒美師資培育課程的適用性。參加實驗者爲九位女性大學生。研究步驟包含一階段的理論建構課程和三循環的行動研究。研究資料來源包含參與者觀察、面談、日誌和書面文件等項,而資料分析則是運用Erlandson,Harris,Skipper and Allen(1993)以及Miles and Huberman(1994)的質化研究技巧。 研究結果顯示,雖在過程中曾碰到問題與阻礙,實習老師均能從兒童英語教學行動研究的理論學習過程中,獲益良多。研究初期,少數教師遇到了一些諸如參與者時間限制、英文能力不足、語言焦慮以及較難將理論轉化成實際運用等等之問題,然而這些教師,尤其是那些擔任實際教學任務的老師們,對於本研究專業訓練所帶來的成果,均持相當正面的看法。本研究報告詳進地探討運用行動研究進行兒童美語教師訓練課程的成效,也提供了兒童美語教師及從事師訓的教育者具體的執行策略。


This aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of including action research as a dimension of teacher-education programs for teaching English to children (TEC) in Taiwan. Nine female college students participated in the project, which involved one theory-building period and three action research cycles. Data were collected through participant observations, interviews, journals and written documents, and analyzed according to models for qualitative research proposed by Erlandson, Harris, Skipper and Allen (1993) and Miles and Huberman (1994). Major findings of the research project indicate that there are benefits to be gained from including courses that teach the principles of action research in TEC teacher education programs, in spite of some problems and barriers. Although some trainees initially struggled with issues such as time constraints, low English proficiency levels, language anxiety, and difficulties with transforming theory into practice, they-particularly those who were practicing teachers-were overall positive about the final outcome of this kind of professional training. This research report discusses the articulation of an action-research training course for TEC teacher trainees and proposes a number of implementation strategies for both individual TEC teachers and teacher educators.


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