  • 期刊


The Comparison of the Learning Differences between High Achievement and Low Achievement Students at China University of Science and Technology



本研究主要在探討英文程度不同之學生其學習因素之差異研究,研究對象以中華科技大學四技日間部學生為主,因學生在入學英文成績上有很大的差距,因此老師在教學上是會有因英文程度上之差異而產生教學上之困擾,雖然學校己針對不同英文程度的學生做分班及分級的教學,但也希望能讓老師在教學上能因瞭解學生而能提供更好的教學服務以利學生學習。本研究以文獻、專家審議及問卷調查的方式進行。首先搜集學生英文學習上之問題,再以文獻分析的方式整理先前類似之研究結果,依據整理之資料設計研究架構,並請專家審議修正架構。問卷調查部分針對日四技學生進行682份學生問卷發放,收回640份,有效問卷621份,回收率為93.84%,問卷資料以SPSS做資料整理分析,其總Cronbach's Alpha值為.926,在效度分析方面分為四項因素,「教學內容」、「網路課程」、「考英文證照動機」及「學習動機」,其KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin)值為.908,累積變異解釋量為58.05%,顯示問卷信效度良好。本研究獲得之重要結論為:不同程度英文學生學習動機上有顯著性差異,英文入學成績較高之學生比英文入學成績較低的學生有較高之學習動機、不同程度英文學生在考英文證照動機上有顯著性差異,英文入學成績最低之學生有較低之考英文證照動機、英文入學成績較高之學生比英文入學成績較低之學生有較高之英文教學認同、不同英文程度學生在男學生每週學習英文時數上有顯著性差異,英文入學成績較高之男學生比英文入學成績較低的男學生有較高之每週學習英文時數。


英文程度 學習差異


This research is to carry forward the paper that is published in the Journal of China University of Science and Technology Vol. 48. The purpose of this study is to compare the learning differences between high achievement and low achievement students. During the past few years, teachers have been having difficulties teaching because students had an enormous difference in their English levels. Therefore, if this study can provide ways to help teachers improve their teaching that will benefit students in English learning. This study utilized quantitative methods to do the research. A questionnaire was sent to 682 participating students. Of the 682 questionnaires, 621 (or 93.84%) were returned. This questionnaire has high values in validity (KMO value is .908) and reliability (Cronbach's Alpha value is .926). The independent and dependent variables were analyzed with ANOVA statistical tools. The 0.05 level of significance was used to test the null hypotheses. This study's results show that there is a significant relationship between student's English achievement and their learning styles towards learning English. High achievement students have higher learning motivator than low achievement students. High achievement students also have higher study hours, a better learning attitude toward English lesson, e-learning courses and English licenses.
