  • 期刊

Subdermal Axillary Liposuction Combined with Curettage for Treatment of Bromidrosis



狐臭是一項令人苦惱的問題,主要導因於頂漿腺的過度分泌和細菌滋長。有許多方法用以抑制狐臭;外用及內服療法雖然有效而安全,但是往往功效短暫且有限。傳統的手術方法可以達到完全根除,唯有較多的術後併發症,包括血腫、皮瓣壞死、傷口發炎、明顯疤痕等。許多治療狐臭的新方法均朝向高滿意度、低手術併發症、縮短恢復期的方向發展。 本文回顧自2001年元月至2004年九月接受皮下抽脂術合併刮除以治療狐臭之47位患者,以問卷方式統計客觀的狐臭改善程度、主觀的整體滿意度、及術後所面臨的問題,獲得以下結果:平均改善幅度是78%,範圍從25%至100%;17位(44.7%)患者不感覺術後傷口疼痛,11位(28.9%)患者僅感覺術後傷口輕微疼痛;19位(50%)患者非常滿意術後疤痕外觀,7位(18.4%)感到滿意;所有患者均在術後1.71週恢復正常活動,2.79週可做一般性運動。本文並依據汗腺的解剖位置分析討論手術結果,以此建議皮下抽脂術合併刮除術適用於期望微小疤痕和縮短復原期,但是可以忍受些微殘餘狐臭的患者。




Primary hyperhidrosis is an annoying problem of excessive perspiration resulting in bacterial alteration of apocrine. It affects as much as one percent of the population, predominantly Asian women. Several methods for the control of axillary osmidrosis were published in the past. Medical treatment is available and safe but is temporary and yields limited clinical benefits. Traditional surgery utilizing the Skoog technique provides extensive intervention but implies more risks for complication such as hematoma, skin flap necrosis, wound infection, and scarring. New and less invasive procedures with dependable results are currently being studied. We adopted the technique of subdermal axillary liposuction plus curettage, and from January 2001 to September 2004, 47 consecutive patients who underwent this procedure were retrospectively reviewed. The average rate of improvement was 74.5%, ranging 25% to 100% {the rate of improvement=(Pre-operation stage-post-operation stage)/pre-operation stage}; 19 patients (50%) were very satisfied with the aesthetics of scar, 7 patients (18.4%) were satisfied; the degree of pain post-operatively showed 17 patients (44.7%) who hardly felt pain, 11 patients (28.9%) with slight pain. All patients were able to return to normal activity 1.71 weeks after surgery. Return to normal exercises averaged at 2.79 weeks post operation. Analysis showed that this procedure was convenient and effectively eliminated malodors with a low rate of wound complications.


bromidrosis osmidrosis liposuction curettage
