  • 期刊

Maternal Intention and Actual Behavior in Infant Feeding at One Month Postpartum



591位母親完成產後一個月的追蹤調查。母乳哺育率由出院前的83.4%降至50.8%。163(25.9%)位母親純哺餵母乳,147(24.9%)位母親混合餵食,291(49.2%)母親以配方奶餵食嬰兒。產後原本打算純哺餵母乳親有168(39.3%)改為配方奶,原本打算混合餵食者中有6(7.1%)位在一個月時改為純哺餵母乳,而原本打算配方奶者有3(4.8%)位在一個月大時改為純哺餵母乳。哺乳的母親有9%在產後一週內停止哺乳,9.2%在一到兩週內,8.4%在兩到三週內,14.8%在三到四週內停止哺乳。奶水不足、母親疲憊、不知道實實有沒有吃飽乳房問題是由哺餵母乳態度,專職帶孩子的母親及先生贊同哺育母乳者比較不會在產後一個月餵食配方奶。 我們總結成功母乳哺不懂靠母親的個人因素,與母親所相處的環境有很大關係。有關母乳哺育的教育應括所有家人:如母親、先生和公婆。工作場合需配合支持哺乳的母親,讓她們可以在上班後持續哺餵母乳。


母乳哺育 母親意願 行為


Five-hundred and ninety-one mothers completed a follow-up questionnaire at one month postpartum. The total breastfeeding rate declinedfrom 83.4% before discharge to 50.8% at one month. One-hundred and fifty-three (25.9%) mothers exclusively breastfed, 147 (24.9%) mothers mixed fed, and 291 (49.2%) mothers formula fed their babies at that time. Among the mothers who initially intended to exclusively breastfeed, 39.3% changed to formula feeding, while 7.1% of the mothers who intended to mix feeding and 4.8% of the mothers who intended toformula feed changed to exclusive breastfeeding at one month postpartum. Nine percent ofthe breastfeeding mothers weaned within the 1(superscript st) week, 9.2% weaned between the 1(superscript st) and 2(superscript nd) week, 8.4% weaned between the 2(superscript nd) and 3(superscript rd) week, while another 14.8% weaned between the 3(superscript rd) and 4(superscript th) week. Milk insufficiency, maternal tiredness, not knowing whether the infant had enough to eat and breast problems were the four major reasons for changing feeding method from breastfeeding toformula feeding. Positive breastfeeding attitude, non- employment and husband’s approval of breastfeeding was negatively associated with changing feeding behavior from breastfeeding to formula feeding within one month postpartum. In conclusion. successful breastfeeding not only depends on factors related to the mother, but also on her environment. Education regarding breastfeeding should be provided to the entire family including the mother and father. The workplace needs to be more accommodating to breastfeeding mothers, so that they can continue breastfeeding after returning to work. (Acta Paediatr Tw 2003; 44:140-4)


breastfeeding maternal intention behavior


