  • 期刊


Animal Study of Newly Developed Injectable Gingival Retraction Material


Injectable gingival retraction material has been introduced for use instead of a retraction cord and electrosurgery. The aim of this study was to investigate the gingivaldisplacing properties and shortcomings of this newly developed injectable gingival retraction material with low mechanical strength and no hemostatic content. Three commercial retraction materials, Siltrax(superscript TM)#7 plain Cord (Pascal, USA), Van-R#1 GingiCord(superscript TM)(VanR, USA), and Expasyl(superscript TM) retraction paste (Kerr, USA), and the developed prototype were tested on 4 beagles. Gingival sulcus expansion efficacy was analyzed from sectioned stone dies which were obtained from rubber base impressions. The pre-retraction impression was used as the control. The sulcus width and marginal gingival level were measured using a Mitutoyo Profile Projector (Mitutoyo, Tokyo, Japan) to 0.001 mm. All data were subjected to 1-way ANOVA and post-hoc LSD test at (α=0.05) to determine any differences among the materials. Student's t-test revealed that all of the test material had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the sulcus widening property but no significant recession was observed (p>0.05). ANOVA and the post-hoc LSD test revealed that Van-R#1 GingiCord(superscript TM) had a significant effect (p<0.001) on gingival recession, but there was no significant difference in the retraction efficacy among the 4 tested materials. All retraction materials were able to open the sulcus to a width of 0.5 mm. The injectable prototype retraction agent was able to open the sulcus to satisfy the impression need but caused no significant recession. The lower mechanical force against the delicate periodontal tissue and lack of chemical content were considered to be beneficial.


注射式 排齦 印模


Injectable gingival retraction material has been introduced for use instead of a retraction cord and electrosurgery. The aim of this study was to investigate the gingivaldisplacing properties and shortcomings of this newly developed injectable gingival retraction material with low mechanical strength and no hemostatic content. Three commercial retraction materials, Siltrax(superscript TM)#7 plain Cord (Pascal, USA), Van-R#1 GingiCord(superscript TM)(VanR, USA), and Expasyl(superscript TM) retraction paste (Kerr, USA), and the developed prototype were tested on 4 beagles. Gingival sulcus expansion efficacy was analyzed from sectioned stone dies which were obtained from rubber base impressions. The pre-retraction impression was used as the control. The sulcus width and marginal gingival level were measured using a Mitutoyo Profile Projector (Mitutoyo, Tokyo, Japan) to 0.001 mm. All data were subjected to 1-way ANOVA and post-hoc LSD test at (α=0.05) to determine any differences among the materials. Student's t-test revealed that all of the test material had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the sulcus widening property but no significant recession was observed (p>0.05). ANOVA and the post-hoc LSD test revealed that Van-R#1 GingiCord(superscript TM) had a significant effect (p<0.001) on gingival recession, but there was no significant difference in the retraction efficacy among the 4 tested materials. All retraction materials were able to open the sulcus to a width of 0.5 mm. The injectable prototype retraction agent was able to open the sulcus to satisfy the impression need but caused no significant recession. The lower mechanical force against the delicate periodontal tissue and lack of chemical content were considered to be beneficial.
