  • 期刊


The Loyalty-Oriented Behavior in a Franchise System: Views on Communication


加盟連鎖系統的發展係維繫在加盟總部與加盟者雙方關係的經營,加盟雙方勢必建立良好的合作性溝通模式來促成資訊的共享,互動的溝通過程中,加盟雙方不斷地協調、適應彼此的理念與做法,並隨即建立加盟者對加盟總部的信任與情感性的承諾,亦即對加盟連鎖系統的認同、依附及投入,進而形成維繫加盟關係的關鍵因素-忠誠度。 本研究以全國第一大的連鎖便利商店之加盟者為研究對象,透過問卷調查並進一步分析溝通觀點下的加盟連鎖系統之忠誠行為導向。研究結果發現,合作性溝通與信任皆會正向影響情感性承諾,而合作性溝通亦會促進加盟者對加盟總部的信任,此外,加盟者的情感性承諾促成續約與推薦行為(忠誠度)。故本研究建議加盟總部勢必以合作性溝通作為建立加盟者忠誠行為的基礎,發展長期導向的加盟關係。


合作性溝通 信任 情感性承諾 推薦 續約


The development of a franchise system occurs on the basis of managing the relationship between a franchiser and a franchisee. The franchiser and the franchisee must mutually share information by building effective collaborative communication. During the processing of inter-dynamic communication, both the franchiser and the franchisee coordinate and adjust mutual ideas through constant practice; then, the franchisee develops trust and an affective commitment to the franchiser. Finally, the franchisee becomes identified and involved with, as well as attached to, the franchise system. Thus, loyalty, the key factor in maintaining the franchise relationship, is shaped. In this research, a mail survey served as the primary method for gathering data from the largest convenience-store chain in Taiwan. Usage of a questionnaire and analysis of the loyal behavior orientation of the franchise system were based on a communicative perspective. The results of the study showed that collaborative communication and trust were significantly and positively related to affective commitment. Collaborative communication also enhanced the trust of the franchisee toward the franchiser. Moreover, affective commitment from the franchisees favorably influences extensions of contracts and recommendations for future employment and facilitates loyal behavior toward the franchiser. Thus, this study suggests that the franchiser must encourage loyal behavior by collaborative communication and develop an enduring relationship with the franchisee.


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