  • 期刊


An Assessment Model for Green Design under a Product-Life Cycle


生命週期評估(life cycle assessment)是大家所共識的一種環境保護評估概念與方法,同時也是國際品保認證ISO14000重要的評鑑依循,因此運用LCA的概念於綠色產品設計研發上,以建立一套讓設計師與工程師易於瞭解的綠色設計評估模式,將有助於綠色產品開發的最大環保效益。本研究所採行的方法與步驟是透過相關綠色產品生命週期設計分析、檢核和策略等文獻的探討與研究,進而擬定出讓工業設計師於產品生命週期剖析過程中的綠色設計評估模式架構。研究中探討分析具環保特性的生命週期設計原則,促使LCA成為產品綠色設計的評估檢核之引導工具,這些綠色設計的準則與評估模式提供了設計師在綠色產品發展時的重要參考依據和方法。本研究並以筆記型電腦為個案實例應用,來說明綠色產品設計研發的分析與評估方式和內容,過程中不斷地提出環保綠色設計的改善方案並進行比較與檢討,最後訂定出較理想且符合產業綠色產品設計發展的方向與規範。


This study develops a structure for an assessment model for green design from the product-life-cycle standpoint. Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is not only an environmental assessment concept and method but also an important evaluation standard of the ISO 14000. Therefore, applying the concepts of LCA and incorporating an assessment model and strategy into green-product design and development will help to develop the maximum environmental efficiency of green products. The methodology and procedures of this study adopt a review of the literature and research to develop a structure for green-design strategy under the LCA. Furthermore, the study establishes an assessment model for an improved idea for environmental design for designers while green-product development is in process. The integration of green-design strategy established by the analysis of the product-life cycle provides designers with effective methods and tools for green-product design. This study analyzes and establishes design principles under the life cycle for environmental industrial products to support industrial designers in guiding the direction of product development. In addition, the practical application under the assessment model in the study pragmatically ascertains the proper directions for green products in the future and clearly develops a green-design strategy for a company.


顏榮廷(2010)。工業化建築組件解體之 資源循環效率研究-以系統廚具為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2010.00026
