  • 期刊


The Application of the Resiliency Model to Caring for the Family of a Head Injury Client




Head injury often occurs in accidents, with severe consequences affecting not only the injured individual but his/her entire family. The purpose of this paper is to describe a case of nursing care provided to the family of a head injury patient using the family resiliency model. From June 26 to July 10, 2002, one of the authors took care of the head injury patient as a primary nurse, then assessed the family in accordance with the five factors influencing the family crisis adaptation process identified in the family resiliency model. The major stressors for the family included the unknown prognosis for the patient, the lack of family income, and not knowing how to talk with the children about their father's condition. Three nursing problems were identified, as follows: the family's knowledge deficit concerning head injury treatment, compromised family coping, disruption of family life and lack of coping resources. Applying various nursing interventions (i.e. education, family conferences, and play therapy), the authors guided the family towards an understanding of the disease treatment plan and the stresses they were facing. Finally, family members were able to participate in the rehabilitation plan for the patient and to find the resources to solve the family problems. This demonstrated that the resiliency model is a good tool for assessing families in crisis and planning nursing care in order to facilitate the family's successful bonadaptation.


