



Data collected over the past four decades show the life expectancy of indigenous Taiwanese to be 8 to 10 years lower than the general, predominantly Han Chinese, population. This suggests the persistence of inequities in the public health system in Taiwan. Several facets of this issue, including lack of consideration of the characteristics and lifestyle of ethnic populations in health policy planning and implementation work and the continued location-based focus of medical care resource distribution policies, are being actively discussed. However, investigations of factors related to the relatively poor health status of indigenous Taiwanese have not considered the traumatic and lingering effects of colonisation. This article briefly introduces the health status of indigenous Taiwanese and the indigenous nursing workforce and then presents a review of the literature on factors related to the under-representation of indigenous Taiwanese in nursing programs and the nursing workforce. Indigenous Taiwanese were found to be absent from public-health policymaking. Moreover, indigenous-related traditional knowledge and values are not being effectively transmitted to younger generations. A diverse nursing workforce should reflect and respond to not only indigenous peoples but also the general population in Taiwan.


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