  • 期刊


Survey on the Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Fish and Shellfish in Taiwan


為瞭解台灣地區魚貝類中14種有機氯劑的殘留量情形,91年度由本局委託各縣市地區漁會協同至養殖場採樣或自行至傳統市場取樣,共計採得檢體98件,包括魚類59件及貝類39件。檢體加入乙腈均質並萃取,離心後取上層液加水稀釋,再經C18固相萃取匣及矽酸鎂固相萃取匣淨化,沖提溶媒分別為3%甲苯之石油醚溶液和2%乙醚之石油醚溶液。沖提液濃縮至無溶媒後以石油醚定容,所得檢液以GC-ECD進行檢測。以虱目魚和牡蠣檢體進行添加回收試驗結果:α-蟲必死(α-BHC)、β-蟲必死(β-BHC)、靈丹(Lindane)、阿特靈(Aldrin)、安特靈(Endrin)、飛佈達(Heptachlor)、環氧飛佈達(Heptachlor-epoxide)、α-可氯丹(α-Chlordane)、β-可氯丹(β-Chlordane)、滴滴涕(4,4'-DDT)、滴滴易(4,4'-DDE)及地特靈(Dieldrin)之回收率為72.4%~134.7%;毒殺芬(Toxaphene)回收率為67.2%~82.2%;滅蟻樂(Mirex)回收率為93.4%~114.7%。α-BHC、β-BHC、Aldrin、α-Chlordane、4,4'-DDE、4,4'DDT、Lindane、Heptachlor、Heptachlor-epoxide、β-Chlordane、Dieldrin及Endrin之最低檢出限量為4 ppb,Toxaphene之最低檢出限量為80 ppb,Mirex之最低檢出限量為8 ppb。以本方法檢驗台灣地區採樣之魚貝類98件,共有6件檢出含有有機氯劑,其中1件含有DDE,含量為12.8 ppb;5件含有DDT,含量範圍為4.1~19.0 ppb。


A survey on organochlorine pesticide residues in fish and shellfish in Taiwan was conducted Ninetyeight samples, including seven species of fish (59 samples) and five species of shellfish (39 samples) were sampled from aquaculture ponds by Fishermen's Association or purchased from retail outlets. Samples of fish and shellfish were homogenized, extracted with acetonitrile, cleaned up with C18 cartridge and florisil cartridge, then determined by GC/ECD. Average recoveries were in the range of 72.4~134.7% for α-BHC, β-BHC, Aldrin, α-Chlordane, 4,4'-DDE, 4,4'DDT, Lindane, Heptachlor, Heptachlor-epoxide, β-Chlordane, Dieldrin and Endrin, while the range for Toxaphene was 67.2~82.2% and for Mirex was 93.4~114.7% respectively. The detection limits in fish and shellfish were 4 ppb for α -BHC, β -BHC, Aldrin, α -Chlordane, 4,4'-DDE, 4,4'DDT, Lindane, Heptachlor, Heptachlorepoxide, β-Chlordane, Dieldrin, Endrin. As for Toxaphene and Mirex, the detection limits were 80 ppb and 8 ppb respectively. When the method was applied to the fish and shellfish samples, six samples were detected to contain organochlorine pesticide residues. One sample was detected to contain DDE 12.8 ppb. Five samples were detected to contain DDT ranging from 4.1 ppb. to 19.0 ppb.


organochlorine pesticides fish shellfish GC ECD


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