  • 期刊


The Characteristics of Humuns at Burned Sites of Kengting National Park




腐植質 黃酸 養分運移 火燒跡地


For studying the effects of humus on the movement of phosphate and microelements after forest fire, the humic substances at well drained and poorly drained sites of Kengting National Park were extracted and analyzed. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Humic substances extracted from well drained soil showed higher EVE, ratio than those from the poorly drained one. 2. Infrared spectra of humic acids GA) showed a sharp band at the frequeney 2950 cm^(-1) (aliphatic C-H stretch), but fulvic acids (FA) showed a sharp band at the frequency 1640 cm^(-1) (C = C stretching vibrations in aliphatic and aromatic compounds). At the frequency 2950 cm^(-1) the band of humic substances derived from poorly drained soil was sharper than that from well drained soil. 3. The sequence for the intensities of the IR absorption band at 1640 cm^(-1) was: FA (well drained)> FA (poorly drained)> HA (well drained)> HA (poorly drained). This tendency was similar to that of E_4/E_6 ratio. 4. Fulvic acids, having more aromatic compounds, showed high mobility in soil profiles. Fulvic acids played an important role in the nutrient transport in poorly drained Bite. 5. Fulvic acids were beneficial to the movement of phosphate and microelements (Fe, Mn,Zn) in soils. Phosphorus cycling in the ecosystem was accelerated and nutrient availability at the calcie soils was also enhanced by fulvic acids.


Humus Fulvic acids Nutrient movement Burned site
