  • 期刊


Establishing an Effective Care Model of Transition Services for Elderly Veterans Patients


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of transition services for elderly veterans patients. This study was a quasi-experimental design. Elderly veterans inpatients were selected from a medical center in Taipei. This study randomly assigned patients to experimental group (n=86) or control group (n=84) by convenience sampling. The experimental group received transition services; case managers visited these patients daily. After patients were discharged into veterans' home, the case managers also visited them 6 times. The health care plan was set up by managers and the medical team of these patients. Upon discharge, the case managers contacted the medical team in the veterans' home to achieve sustainable health care. The control group received health care from the ward's case manager. The instrument included Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Barthel Index Scale (BIS), and service satisfaction. Demographic data were collected by the transition case manager. The unplanned reentry emergency rate, within 3-day, and 14, 30, 90, 180-day unplanned readmission rate after discharged were also collected. The service satisfactions of two groups were significantly different (t=4.20, p=.000). The study showed the patients' depression level had improved significantly (p=.03) at the second month after discharge and the satisfaction had increased significantly (p=.04) at the first month after discharge in the experimental group. Although there was no significant difference for BIS and unscheduled re-admission (p>.05), the score of BIS in experimental group was higher than the one in the control group. Moreover, the percentage of re-hospitalization in the experimental group was lower than the one in the control group. As those mentioned above, the establishment of a model of transition services not only improved depression level and elevated satisfaction, it also increased patients' daily activity and showed benefit in decreasing rehospitalization.


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of transition services for elderly veterans patients. This study was a quasi-experimental design. Elderly veterans inpatients were selected from a medical center in Taipei. This study randomly assigned patients to experimental group (n=86) or control group (n=84) by convenience sampling. The experimental group received transition services; case managers visited these patients daily. After patients were discharged into veterans' home, the case managers also visited them 6 times. The health care plan was set up by managers and the medical team of these patients. Upon discharge, the case managers contacted the medical team in the veterans' home to achieve sustainable health care. The control group received health care from the ward's case manager. The instrument included Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Barthel Index Scale (BIS), and service satisfaction. Demographic data were collected by the transition case manager. The unplanned reentry emergency rate, within 3-day, and 14, 30, 90, 180-day unplanned readmission rate after discharged were also collected. The service satisfactions of two groups were significantly different (t=4.20, p=.000). The study showed the patients' depression level had improved significantly (p=.03) at the second month after discharge and the satisfaction had increased significantly (p=.04) at the first month after discharge in the experimental group. Although there was no significant difference for BIS and unscheduled re-admission (p>.05), the score of BIS in experimental group was higher than the one in the control group. Moreover, the percentage of re-hospitalization in the experimental group was lower than the one in the control group. As those mentioned above, the establishment of a model of transition services not only improved depression level and elevated satisfaction, it also increased patients' daily activity and showed benefit in decreasing rehospitalization.


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