  • 期刊


Some Properties of Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Rice


爲明嘹稻細胞質雄不稔性之性質,以具有Chinsurah BoroⅡ細胞質維不稔性之臺農61號、臺中65號、臺南5號、新竹矮腳尖、IR-579-48-1-2;新竹矮腳尖×臺南5號之F1以及其各親本等諸品種爲材料,進行本試驗,所得結果概述如下: 1.花粉母細胞減數分裂之觀察結果,親本、細孢質雄不稔系統及F1等並無明顯之染色體異常發生(僅約0~2%之單價,四價,染色體橋及13:11之分離比出現),證實染色體之變異與不稔性無關。 2.細胞質雄不稔個體,除TNG-61-MS,TC-65-MSI及IR-597-48-1-2 MS在30/25℃日夜溫下成部份稔實外,其餘各系統不論溫度如何,均僅有甚低的花粉率和結實率。此外套袋可使結實率降低,如IGG(10%),TC 65 (7%),TNG 61 MS (15%),及IR-579-48-l-2 MS (10%)。 3.在人工氣候室20/15℃日夜溫下,第一期作所有供試品種,其花粉率與結實率皆很低,幾乎爲零(約0~5%),30/25較25/20℃者產生較高之花粉率與結實率,二者平均花粉率之差異依次爲10~16%(親本),12%(TNG 61 MS),3% (TC 65 MS)。平均結實率之差異爲20% (TNG 61 MS),3%(TC 65 MS)。30/25及25/30℃之溫度對第二期作之花粉率和結實率的影響與一期作相似。 4.在30/25與25/20℃日夜溫下,親本與細胞質雄不稔系統,或親本與F1之花粉囊胞子原層並無明顯異常發現,故胞子原層的異常與細胞質雄不稔性並無密切關係。在20/15℃下之胞子原層除TC 65 MS外,則有種種異常發生,如胞子原層之肥腫,類似原形質漿物質之產生,胞子原層之不完整性與不正常之花粉等。胞子原層異常發生之頻度在小胞子第一收縮期爲26.3% (TNG 61), 20.65% (F1),其餘供試品種則爲零。在第二收縮期爲41.48% (TNG 61), 25.25% (TNG 61 MS),25.68% (TC 65)及31.47%(TC 5),故冷溫之感受期可能從小胞子第一收縮期至第二收縮期。 5.柱頭發芽試驗之結果,無論親本或細胞質維不稔個體其花粉粒皆能在其本身之柱頭上發芽。親本發芽率,TNG 61有20.8%, TC65有25.5%, TNS有24%,均較細胞質雄不稔的TNG 61 MS (0~12.6%), TC 65 MS(0~13%)及TN 5 MS(12.8~24%)爲高。發芽率與花粉率,發芽率與結實率,花粉率與結實率間之相關係數各爲0.72、0.74和0.95。 6. Ethrel(2-chloroethylphosphonic acid)處理之結果,噴施4,000及3,000 ppm間之效果無明顯差異,而以在booting和late booting兩個時期降低結實率之效果較好,親本結實率約降低20~30%,而細胞質雄不稔個體則幾乎可達100%不稔之程度。但Ethrel處理附帶引起一些不良影響,如每穗花數之減少,株高之降低等。 7.由熱處理之結果,不論濕潤種子之熱水處理或乾燥種子之乾熱處理,細胞質雄不稔個體之花粉率與結實率皆無提高之趨勢,故水稻細胞質雄不稔性物質不能經由熱處理而便去活化。再者,葉蟬傳遞試驗結果,除TNG 61有一株之結實率有下降之趨勢外(約25~95%之間),其餘各品種皆無變化,故不稔性物質似乎不適於應用葉蟬來傳遞。




Using Tainung 61 (TNG 61), (ms-boro) rfrf-TNG 61, Taichung 65 (TC 65), (ms-boro) rfrf-TC 65, Tainan 5 (TN 5), (ms-boro) rfrf-TN 5, I-geo-gen (IGG). F1 (IGG×TN 5), (ms-boro) IGG, IR-579-48-1-2 (IR 579), and (ms-boro)-IR-579 of rice varieties, the following results were obtained. 1. An observation on chromosomal behavior at meioiss showed that no apparent chromosomal aberrations were associated with cytoplasmic male and hybrid sterilities (about 0-2% of univalent, quadrivalent, anaphase-I bridge and 13:11 anaphase-I distribution) 2. Most of cytoplasmic male sterile lines showed low pollen and spikelet fertilities regardless of temperatures, except TNG 61 MS, TC 65 MS1, IR-579-48-1-2 MS which were partially fertile only at 30/25℃. Bagged panicles produced significantly lower seedset persentage than the unbagged, about 10% in IGG, 7% in TC 65, 15% in TNG 61 MS, and 10% in IR-579 MS. 3. All entries at 20/15℃ in phytotron showed very low pollen and spikelet fertilities (5%). Temperatures of 30/25℃ had a favourable influence on both pollen and spikelet fertilities comparing with 25/20℃. The mean differences of pollen fertility between 30/25℃ and 25/20℃ were 10%-16% in parents, and 12% in TNG 61 MS, 0% in TC 65 MS. The mean differences of spikelet fertility between the two temperature treatments were 5%-20% in parents, 20% in TNG 61 MS and 3% in TC 65 MS. The effect of temperature on the second season crops showed a similar tendency to that of the first season crops at 30/25℃ and 25/20℃, though the effect seemed to be less pronounced. 4. Cytoplasmic male sterile plants and their recurent parents, F1 and their parents all did not show any distinct abnormality in the tapetal development of pollen sacs at 30/25℃, 25/20℃ in phytotron. However, at 20/15℃, various tapetum abnormalities were found in all entries except TC 65 MS, such as loculi with tapetal hypertrophy, occurence of plasmodium-like maters, tapetum disintegration and aborted pollen. The percentage of abnormal tapetum in the first contraction stage of microspores were 26.3% (in TNG 61), 20.65% (in F1) and in the second contraction were 41.5 (in TNG 61), 25.25% (in TNG 61 MS), 25.68% (in TC 65) and 31.47% (in TN 5). Therefore, the sensitive stages to cooling treatment were from the first contraction to the second contraction of the microspores. 5. In pollen germination experiment, pollen grains of all entries could germinate on stigma after self-pollination. The percentage of germination in parents TNG 61 (20.8%), TC 65 (25.5%) and TN 5 (24%) was higher than their corresponding cytoplasmic male sterile TNG 61 MS (0-12.6%), TC 65 MS (0-13%), TN 5 MS (12.8-24%) The correlation coefficients between pollen germination and stainable pollen percentage, between pollen germination and spikelet fertility, and between pollen and spikelet fertilities were, 0.72, 0.74 and 0.95 respectively. 6. In thermoshock treatments, neither hot water (60℃) on wet seed nor dry heat on dormant seed caused inactivation of cytoplasmic male sterility. In the inoculation-feeding with leaf hopper which were fed with MS plants, no sterility occurred in the insect-fed fertile entries except one plant of TNG 61 that showed 25-95% seedset percentage The results seem to offer the negative evidences for the inactivation of cytoplasmic male sterility by thermoshocks and of transmission by this type of inoculation feeding. 7. By foliage spraying with two concentrations (3,000, 4,000 ppm) of Ethrel at four growth stages, the favorable stages for producing sterile rice were found to be at booting (10-14 days before heading) and late-booting (5-9 days before heading) that caused about 20-30%reduction in seed settings of the parents and 100% sterility in cytoplasmic male steriles without any significant difference between the two concentrations. The Ethrel treatment also caused some adverse effects on the plant, such as reductions of the number of spikelets per panicle and the height of plants.


