  • 期刊


Identification of Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus B Strain and Screening for Resistance of Corn


從罹患嵌紋病的玉米植株分離出來的一種病毒,經接種到判別植物所呈現之反應,鑑定屬於玉米矮化嵌紋病毒B型系統(Maize dwarf mosaic virus B strain, MDMV-B)。於溫室內對玉米幼苗進行接種試驗,以觀察該病毒在玉米植株上病徵之發展,並藉以探討玉米品系對MDMV-B的抗病反應,發現其適切的環境是在春季(晝溫20-30℃)。將Kuhn和Smith兩氏用以評估玉米抗MDMV的病害指數系統(disease index system)加以修飾,依據不同之病害指數(Disease Index, D.I.),將各玉米品系對木病毒之抗病程度分爲抗病(D.I.=0-24)、中抗(D.I.=25-50)、中感(D.I.=51-74)、和感病(D.I.=75-100)等四級。檢定現有玉米推廣品種,結果發現臺南5號、臺南11號、臺農351、及超甜236等皆呈感感病性。然從三個不同來源收集之616個品系中,篩選出PI.530, SW.732, SW.727, SW.636, SW.563, SW.671, SW.551及SW.660等八個品系具有抗病性。




A virus isolated from diseased corn plant and tested on differential hosts was identified as maize dwarf mosaic virus B strain (MDMV-B.). In order to observe the symptom development in corn plants and determine the optimum conditions for the screening of corn cultivars/lines resistant to this virus, corn seedlings at 3-4 leaf stage inoculated with MDMV-B at different seasons were kept in the greenhouse. The result indicated that day temperature ranged from 20 to 30℃ in spring season were the best conditions for these studies. Methods for evaluating the degrees of resistance was primarily based on disease index (D. I.) system as described by Kuhn and Smith however, it was with modification. Based on different disease index, there were four distinct reactions, i. e. resistant (D. I.=0-24), moderately resistant (D. I.=25-50), moderately susceptible (D. I=51-74) and susceptible (D. I.=75-100), used for rating the resistance in this experiment. The results showed taht mostly released cultivars of Tainan No. 5, Tainan No. 11, Tainong No. 351 and Super Sweet No. 236 were susceptible, and PI. 530, SW. 732, SW. 727, SW. 666, SW. 563, SW. 551, SW. 671, SW. 560 from 616 corn lines of three different origins were resistant to maize dwarf mosaic virus B strain.


