  • 期刊


Rehabilitation and Reuse of Industrial Sites-Examples from Japan, US and England


產業遺址是台灣經濟成長的見證。台灣的城市發展雖然都不到三百年歷史,但也有其豐富的文化層面,歷經明鄭、清朝、日治時期至今,不少的歷史性建築物依然保存下來,值得珍惜與保護。此些產業遺址乃由於日治時期日人在台致力於產業開發,諸如糖業(雲林虎尾糖廠)、鹽業(嘉義布袋鹽田)、林業(斗六苗圃)、菸業(高雄山麓地帶的菸業)等等,留下可觀的產業遺址資源。這些產業如今都已面臨轉型問題,因此產業遺址如何活化再利用藉以帶動本身及週邊經濟已成為重要議題。本研究以國內外產業遺址案例分析探討為主。國內部份為台灣南部地區雲林縣、嘉義縣、高雄市及高雄縣。國外部份則以美國保存規範、日本保存方式與統計與英國倫敦泰德美術館(National Tate Gallery)之活化再利用案例為對象。本研究目的為一、提供促進產業遺址保存維護與再利用之參考。二、保存具歷史價值之經濟生產空間與其運輸場域的場所記憶,增進國人暸解工業時期的產業文化與生活環境。三、作為再利用經營管理參考依據,以期建立全新的視野與創意,並透過再利用的方式與當地產業相輔相成,為區域經濟帶來新的生機與契機。本文計分為五大部份進行探討。第一部份為產業遺址之定義;二為保存及再利用;三為國內產業遺址活化再利用案例分析-以南部地區雲林縣、嘉義縣、高雄縣、高雄市為例;四為國外產業遺址活化再利用案例分析;最後則為結論與建議。


產業遺址 活化 再利用


Industrial sites used to have an immense contribution to economic growth in Taiwan. City development has not reached 300 years, however, as Taiwan history had been through the... Ming, Ching Dynasties and Japanese colonialism, the nature of nation has abundant cu1ture value that is worth treasuring and conserving. Industrial development such as sugar, slatern, forestry and tobacco industries were important economic development policies during Japanese colonialism, for example Bu-Dai's slatern in Chiayi, sugar can factory in Yunlin, Mei-No's tobacco factory in Kaohsuing, etc, however, there is an issue raising here, that is industrial sites how to be re-structured for economic purposes since mostly they are not function nowadays in accordance with Taiwan's economic structure changed.The purposes of the study are firstly, to provide a reference for industrial sites' rehabilitation and reuse; secondly, to enhance the understanding on a relationship between industry culture and living environment in Pre-colonial Taiwan; thirdly, to discuss the management for industrial sites in order to stimulate regional economic development. The methodology employed in this study is to makes use of information on case studies of conservation criteria, rehabilitation, reuse strategies in US, Japan and National Tate Gallery, London, as a reference for Taiwan, especially for the cases of Yunlin, Chiayi, Kaohsuing counties and Kaohsuing city.The paper consists of five part. Part 1 is an introduction on definition and reasons for conservation for industrial sites; Part 2 discusses conservation strategies and principles; Part 3 is a case study which illustrates the case of southern part of Taiwan; Part 4 analyses the case of England; and finally, it is findings and conclusions.


Industrial Sites Rehabilitation Reuse


