  • 期刊


A Discussion about the Way to Approach Taipei City's Newly Weds for Family Planning


年輕婦女對台灣人口問題的影響一直深受人口學者之關切,其原因有二,其一:年輕婦女之數量呈現快速的成長,其二:年輕婦女之生育率維持偏高的態勢。這兩種情形,使得台灣地區的出生率仍然居高不下。人口學者乃建議年輕婦女之家庭計畫教育工作為當前必急之務。其中當然包括新婚婦女之教育工作。 本文資料取自“台北市郵購保險實驗研究”之第一回合調查資料。該調查後以民國七十年八月在台北市登記結婚之婦女為母體,以系統抽樣法抽取五二○名新婚婦女進行訪視,結果僅訪到二四二名新婚婦女。 該次調查重點側重新婚婦女對家庭計畫之知識、態度與實行率之探討。結果發現新婚婦女已具備良好之家庭計畫知識與態度,避孕方法使用率雖低,係在預期之中。而最引人注意的是“重男輕女”觀念的褪色,在台灣地區歷次調查中係第一次出現的現象。 而本文所最關切的乃是利用戶籍制度以求系統性教育新婚婦女的時效性。結果發現兩種因素使得戶籍制度可利用之時效性打了折了折扣,第一、結婚申報延遲一年或以上者佔多數;第二、空戶,遷出、寄戶等情形很多,使得訪視完成率偏低。此外,也發現大部份社會人口變數已無法解釋家庭計畫知識、態度與實行之差異。其他指標,如情境因素等之探求應是未來的研究重點。




A concern about the contribution of young women in Taiwan's population problem had been shared among demographers. They had pointed out that the rapid increase in size and relatively high fertility of young women were two critical obstacles for the lowering of Taiwan's birth rate. They, thus, suggested that the education of young women, including newly weds, was compelling. The data of this article were derived from the first round survey of an experiment about condom purchase by mailing in Taipei City. In the survey 520 newly weds were systematically selected from the list of women who registered their marriage in August 1981. However, only 242 women were successfully interviewed. Basically, it was an KAP survey. It found that the newly weds had good knowledge and favorable attitude toward family planning. The practice rate was reasonably low. It was interesting to find that boy preference was fading away for the first time in Taiwan Area. What was most concerned in this article was the efficiency of using household registration to systematically reach newly weds. However, two difficulties were observed. One was that most of marriage registrations were delayed for one year or more. The other was that newly weds were to locate because of mobility and de jure registration system. The two reasons made interview accomplishment rate relatively low. Moreover, they devalued the usefulness of household registration system. In addition, it was found that most of the socio-demographic variables was unable to explain KAP differentials. Other indicators, for example situational factors, had to be investigated in future studies.


