  • 期刊


Influence of Chip Length on Kraft and Neutral Sulfite Pulping of Acacia mearnsii





Wood chips of Acacia mearnsii in four different sizes were prepared by chipper and hand. The chips were made between 0.33 cm and 3.58 cm in length (grain direction). It was found that when a chip is shorter, the proportion of its cut fibers in the resulting pulp would turn out to be larger. However, the average length of pulp fibers from the shortest chips (0.33 cm) was found to stay very high, or about 91 percent of that resulting from the longest chips (3.58 cm). Shorter chips of Acacia mearnsii significantly facilitated the delignification reactions in the kraft and neutral sulfite pulping. In addition, the properties in tensile and tear strengths of kraft and neutral sulfite pulps made from shorter chips are comparable to those from longer chips. Meanwhile, pulps from hand-made chips show slightly higher properties in both tear and tensile strenghts. The results of this pulping experiment also show that Acacia mearnsii is a good raw material for kraft and neutral sulfite semichemical pulps.
