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A Preliminary Study of Readers' Sexual Harassment Behaviors in Public and School Libraries




性騷擾 圖書館 內容分析法


This study examines sexual harassment reported by the media covering the cases of this unwelcome behavior occurred in public libraries and libraries in school (from elementary to college) in Taiwan. This research aims to analyze the situations whereby readers experienced sexual harassment in these premises. These analyses would in turn help provide suggestions for the prevention of sexual harassment. First, the definition and connotation of sexual harassment from the three domestic sexual harassment laws in Taiwan will be discussed. The study will then reconcile the scholars' classifications of sexual harassment behavior with the existing laws. The research method applied in the study is content analysis by first collecting news reports about sexual harassment experienced readers in public and school libraries from 2005 to 2019. After analyzing the news contents, it was found that in public libraries and school libraries, it was mostly women who experienced harassment by male readers, and most of the female victims were from the age of 5 and upwards. The most common forms and locations of sexual harassment were physical harassment and reading areas. Furthermore, the common responses from public libraries would be the involvement of police force called upon by the librarians and readers for the arrest of the perpetrators. As for the school libraries, they usually would hold a gender equality committee for disciplinary purposes in accordance with the national law. Finally, the study offers specific suggestions for public and school libraries in the ways they respond to sexual harassment. They are namely 1) how to improve readers 'alertness, 2) how to establish a protective net for sexual harassment victims, 3) how to adjust the management mechanism, and 4) how to improve the librarians' ability and awareness to act as competent guardians.


Sexual Harassment Library Content Analysis


