

本研究之目的乃在利用四種本地區大宗農、特產廢棄物,研發新的水稻育苗介質,以解決水稻育苗土不易取得之問題。調製的介質計有10種,選用的稻種包含稉稻和秈稻。播種三週後,除了量測幼苗的生長性狀,並分析介質理化性質及有效養份含量。試驗結果顯示,供試的四種介質均屬良好之土壤替代介質,其中以台糖公司廢白土蔗渣牛糞堆肥與土壤混合(2:1;w/w)之介質最佳。無論是稉稻或秈稻幼苗均展現最佳生長性狀。而豬糞堆肥混土(1:1;w/w)介質居次,此兩種介質性質範圍依次是pH 6.5-7.0,EC 700-710 μ Scm^(-1),有機質7.1-7.2%,總體密度0.9-1.0 gcm^(-3)。研究結果亦顯示,水稻育苗期間,介質理化性質對幼苗生長之影響甚於其有效性養份含量的多寡,且使用時應與土壤混合使用,直接使用或上覆土壤並不會增進水稻幼苗之生長。


水稻 育苗介質 有機廢棄物


Searching for a suitable media for rice seedling culture is in urgent need, recently. There are four agricultural wastes available for making rice seedling media, including processed sugarcane residue, cattle and pig faeces, and rice hull. These agricultural wastes were made into compost first, and ten different media were made for rice seedling culture. Two rice varieties, Taiken 5 (japonica) and Taisen2 (indica) were used in this study. Three weeks after sowing, the rice seedlings were harvested. In addition to the measurement of the rice seedling characteristics, such as plant height, stem diameter, fresh weight and dry weight, the available nutrients content of rice seedlings and residual media were analyzed. The experimental results showed that, all the four agricultural wastes are good substitute media for soil, especially using the compost of processed sugarcane residue combined with active white clay and cattle faeces, mixed with soil (2:1; w/w), obtained tile test result both for the Taiken 5 and Taisen 2, The compost of pig faeces milled with soil (1:1; w/w) was the next after the best media for growing rice seedling. The range of the physical and chemical properties of the two media were pH 6.5-7.0, EC 700-710 μ Scm^(-1), organic matter 7.1-7.2 %, and bulk density 0.9-1.0 gcm^(-1). It indicated that the physical and chemical properties of media did affect the growth of rice seedling more than those available nutrients content of the media in the rice seedling stage. Furthermore, it is better to mix with soil while the agricultural wastes are used as rice seedling media. Direct utilization of the compost mode from agricultural wastes as rice seedling media, or the media covered with soil may not promote the growth of rice seedling significantly.


rice seedling media organic wastes


