  • 期刊


On Disagreements within Chinese Philosophy: A Proposal




The main topic of the paper concerns "research methodologies in Chinese philosophy." It looks like we are talking about more than one methodology. In this paper, I point out that the researcher's concern plays an important role in academic judgment. Different researchers' concerns lead to different stances and methods. And different stances and methods in turn lead to different conclusions. What I coin as "the researcher's concern" might be provisionally understood as a sort of meta-motivation (something that motivates motives). I suggest that among these different concerns we may seek something common. This something common could then be the basis for a public network, which functions as an integrative mechanism encompassing and addressing those different concerns. This paper argues that "seeking truth" should be the common concern of research. It further argues that with this as the basis, the traditional mode of research, being concerned with the meaning of the text, should be integrated with the present concern with how to practice Chinese philosophy after modernity.


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