  • 期刊


Study on Chiang Kai-Shek's Disposal of the Jiaodong War, 1932




膠東之戰 韓復榘 劉珍年 蔣中正 山東


The Jiaodong War is a civil war taking place in east Shandong Province between September and November, 1932. The belligerents are Han Fuju (韓復), Chairman of the Shandong provincial government, and Liu Zhennian (劉榘), Commander of the 21(superscript st) Division. Few academic researches dealt with the the history of this war can be found today, therefore we may only refer to related memoirs and works on Han Fuju. Some clerical errors, therefore, are unavoidable. To understand more about the fact of the war, this article excerpted materials from the Academia Historica in Taipei, including Archives of President Chiang Kai-Shek (《蔣中正總統檔案》), Archives of Nationalist Government (《國民政府檔案》), and Archives of Yan Xishan (《閻錫山檔案》) Memoirs and diaries of figures related to this war are also consulted as supplements. In these materials, how Chiang Kai-Shek, the chairman of the National Military Council of the Nationalist Government at that time, coped with this event, is also narrated in detail to help us learning from Chiang's attitude toward this war; some archives even illustrate the relationship between the central and the local government during the Nationalist Government period.This article suggests that Chiang did not support either side of the belligerents at the beginning of the war; instead, he investigated the whole case before committing himself to this conflict. On one hand, Chiang tried to appease Liu Zhennian; on the other hand, he put pressure on Han Fuju with public opinions, trying to reach an agreement of a truce with belligerents. Meanwhile, Chiang even assembled the troops and asked important officials for advices.When the situation was much clear, Chiang changed his attitude toward the war; he tried to persuade Liu to make a concession and became tougher towards Han. In the name of National Military Council, Chiang ordered Han to cease fire and forced Han's army to retreat. Chiang was so confident about his ability to mediate the war that he ignored the conflict of interests behind. Han accepted Chiang's order ostensibly but later launched a comprehensive, broad-scaled attack. Limited by diplomacy, politics, and encirclement campaign against communist troops during the war, Chiang was attacked front and rear at this moment; he could not insist on his original order anymore and had to put up with the chaos caused by the war. Finally, after the Central Government agreed to transfer Liu out of east Shandong Province finally, Han promised to retreat and achieved his goal to occupy the whole territory.As we can see, Chiang was not totally believing in military forces; instead, he was manipulative and employed tricks whenever necessary. Instead of using military strength, which was obviously more powerful than Han's, Chiang chose to solve the problem by means of reconciliation and differentiation, and was also aware of using the pressure of public opinion to suspend the war.Recognizing Chiang's attitude toward the Jiaodong War, especially toward Han, helps us not only to know more about the political governance of Chiang, but also to understand the circumstances of North China.


Jiaodong War Han Fuju Liu Zhennian Chiang Kai-Shek Shandong


《閻錫山檔案》 (臺北,國史館藏)<各方民國 21年 9月往來電文錄存>。
《閻錫山檔案》 (臺北,國史館藏)<各方民國 21年 10 月往來電文錄存(一)>。
《閻錫山檔案》 (臺北,國史館藏)<各方民國 21年 10 月往來電文錄存(二)>。
《國民政府檔案》 〈臺北,國史館藏〉<山東韓復榘劉珍年二部戰爭案(一)>,國防(軍事)─戰役─軍閥戰爭。
《蔣中正總統檔案》( 臺北, 國史館藏) < 統一時期(七十一)>,籌筆─統一時期。


