  • 期刊


The Butterfly Effects of the United States Intervention in the Ch'en Chu Case




During the years of White Terror in Taiwan, political prisoners were often jailed for many years or even put to death regardless of any evidence of crime found. Following Chiang Ching-kuo's accession to presidency on May 20, 1978, in order to intimidate the opposition, the Kuomintang (KMT) government arrested Ch'en Chu on June 23 with similar expectations. However, the Carter administration of the United States was advocating a human rights foreign policy at the time. After Ch'en's metor Kuo Yu-hsin appealed to the United States Congress for help, the U.S. State Department instructed its embassy in Taipei to intervene in the Ch'en Chu case. The purpose of this intervention was not to provide 'diplomatic asylum' or 'temporary refuge' for Ch'en but to protect her human rights. The case was obviously a human rights violation. Based on of the documents confiscated from Ch'en, it was difficult for the KMT government to charge her either as a communist spy or as a Taiwan separatist. However, if the government failed to convict her of a crime, their political prestige would have been severely damaged with grave consequences. In the end, under the pressure of the State Department, Chiang Ching-kuo considered diplomatic relations with the United States as more important than any other consideration. Ch'en was thus released. To excuse such an unusual move, the government provided Ch'en with an "education tour" of Kinmen Island and various sites of government construction projects. The release of Ch'en Chu caused a chain of unexpected effects on Taiwan's politics. First, it encouraged the opposition, known as Tangwai, to unite in its challenge to the dictatorial authority of the KMT and established the Formosa Magazine. The magazine then organized a mass rally named 'Human Rights Night' on Dec. 10, 1979, which led to severe conflicts with the police. The Formosa Magazine Incident, also called Kaohsiung Incident, resulted in the arrest of Tangwai leaders by the KMT government. The arrests attracted extensive attention from domestic and international intellectuals and politicians and again from the U.S. government. Having no choice, the KMT government opened the trial to public and allow the press to report on the court proceedings in detail. These reports in turn raised concerns about political issues among the people in Taiwan, and the rupture of the KMT authority further increased. All of these forced the KMT government to initiate political reforms and abolish martial law. Finally, Taiwan moved onto the path of democratization. This paper is a study of the U.S. intervention in the Ch'en Chu case under human rights foreign policy and its unforeseen long-term consequences in Taiwan.


陳鈺馥,〈促轉會:蔣介石經手「核覆」政治案逾6成改重刑〉(2021年9月28日),收入「自由時報電子報」: https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/3686206(2021/9/28點閱)。
〈對外援助與人權〉(Foreign Aid and Human Rights 1976),收入Melvin I. Urofsk編,《美國民主基本文獻》(Basic Readings In U.S. Democracy),第八章,全文網址:https://web-archive-2017.ait.org.tw/infousa/zhtw/PUBS/BasicReadings/54.htm(2021/11/13點閱)。
