  • 期刊


The Development of Natural Building and Local Practice-Study on the A-Niu Village in Taitung




In terms of current environmental trend, architecture ought to not only comply with sustainability, but also seek a further human-oriented environmental meaning so that it establishes sequence of ideas and practice to care for human life and environment. This study takes natural building as example to uncover its core value and context via field study, participatory action research, literature reviews and in-depth interview, followed by analysis of A-Niu Village in Taitung to generalize local practice from natural building. In addition to the three dimensions of sustainability, natural building also covers spiritual dimension. Natural building is not just a construction but indeed an attitude towards sustainable life with philosophical thinking as well. Richness of natural building results from its spiritual dimension, while experiencing the real value through subjective practicality so people's viewpoints are transformed that sustainability of environment could last. This study realizes that natural building is tightly close to human body, as participant understands the nature's message by using simple tools. The ambience of natural building is beneficial to not only develop potential human perception, but also interact with the nature more accurately. The control of labor power and engineering methods of local material will be the two major issues for developing natural building in Taiwan in the future.


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