  • 期刊


To Explore the Evaluation of A Short-break after Night Duty Program for Post Graduate Year Residents


研究目的:本研究主要目的是探討畢業後一般醫學訓練住院醫師對施行夜間值班後短暫休息方案之評價。研究方法:採回顧性研究,在2013 年11 月至2014 年12 月,南部地區某醫學中心之一般醫學內科示範中心施行夜間值班後短暫休息方案。邀請完成3 個月夜間值班後短暫休息方案後之每位一般醫學訓練住院醫師填寫評價問卷。將完成的113 份問卷作描述相關性分析。研究結果:有75% 以上的畢業後一般醫學訓練住院醫師同意或非常同意實施夜間值班後短暫休息方案能改善工作後疲憊程度、有助於減輕工作壓力,提升工作效率、對學習效果有正面幫助、有助於維持良好醫病關係、有助於維持良好之工作態度及同儕間之互動、是一種保障及福利。執行夜間值班後短暫休息方案7.6-15 小時與等於或高於15.1 小時以上者比低於或等於7.5 小時之PGY 住院醫師,愈多人準時下班。研究結論:夜間值班後短暫休息方案對畢業後一般醫學訓練住院醫師有很多益處,此方案可作為臨床實務與福利制度訂立的參考。


Objectives: This article is to explore the evaluation of a short-break after night duty program in post graduate year residents. Methods: This is a restrospective study. In January 2013 to December 2014, a short-break after night duty program were practiced at the general internal medicine training center in a medical center in southern Taiwan. At the end of completeing the 3 months program, post graduate year residents were invited to complete the evaluation questionnaires. A total of 113 questionnaires of post graduate year residents were collected and analyzed. Results: 75% participants agreed or extremely agreed that a short-break after night duty program could improve fatigue after work, relief work stress, increase work efficacy, positive influences on learning, improve good relationships wlth patients, keep good work attitude and good interaction with colleges and a good indemnification and welfare. Participants practice 7.6-15hours and ≧15hours of a short-break after night duty program work on time more than participants practice ≦ 7.5 hours. Conclusions: A short-break after night duty program are beneficial for post graduate year residents. This program could be a reference for clinical practice and welfare building.


