  • 期刊


Study of the Covering Model for the Effective Location Planning of Temporary Refuges in Earthquake Disaster




Taiwan locates on the border between Europe Plate and Asia Plate. Since the earthquake happens frequently for the plates extruding and caused many serious earthquake disasters, the mitigation planning is very important in Taiwan. However, the serious disaster caused by Chi-Chi earthquake meant that the mitigation planning in Taiwan needs more improvements. The distribution of temporary refuges for earthquake disaster should consider many important issues, such as service distance, road reliability, refuge capacity, and population estimation. These issues had been studied individually, but have not been integrated into an effective decision approach. This study aims to develop location-allocation models of the temporary refuges for earthquake disaster. The abovementioned issues are considered in the models, by which a decision approach for the refuges distribution planning is designed. The case study of Da-de-chen-pin area in Taichung City is illustrated to identify the application feasibility of the developed approach. The GIS system is applied for data management, parameters estimation, and results display. It is found that the developed approach can be applied to analyze the refuges distribution in three phases: the efficiency examination of existed refuges in short-term phase, the locations of new refuges in mid-term phase, and the location re-arrangement of refuges in long-term phase.


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