  • 期刊


An Economic Analysis of Advertising-The Effects of Competitive Behavior, Cooperative Advertising and Market Maturity




This paper investigates how competitive behavior and market maturity affect the economic effects of advertising. We also compare the effects between the firms' cooperative and independent advertising. Considering the case of constant elasticity demand function, this paper shows that if the market size can be expanded, the firms' advertising expenditures in a Cournot model are strategic complements, and the advertising rate is higher than in a Bertrand model. If the industry is mature, no matter what the competition model is, the firms' advertising expenditures are strategic substitutes and the advertising rate is higher in Bertrand than in Cournot. In an emerging industry, the independent advertising rate is lower than the optimal advertising rate. If firms cooperate in advertising, the advertising rate will deviate from the optimal level in the Bertrand model hut will be closer to optimal level in the Cournot Model. In a mature market, on the contrary, the independent advertising rate is higher than the optimal level. If firms cooperate in advertising, the equilibrium advertising rate decreases and will be closer to the optimal level in both competition models.


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