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理性選擇、民主制度與“操控遊說”:William H. Riker新政治經濟學的回顧與評述

Rational Choice, Democratic Institution, and "Heresthetics": A Review and Appraisal of William H. Riker's Theory of Modern Political Economy


威廉‧瑞克(William Harrison Riker, 1920-1993)是二十世紀美國最重要的政治學者之一。他創造的「實證政治學」(positive political theory)給學界帶來了典範革命,他建立的「羅徹斯特學派」(Rochester School)徹底改變了二十世紀政治學研究的風貌;然而,理性選擇理論(rational choice theory; RCT)日漸茁壯的「霸權」態勢,也讓美國政治學會在二○○○年產生了「改革」(Perestroika)的呼聲,學界內的學術論戰與資源爭奪正式檯面化,爭議至今未歇,而這爭議的暴風眼就是Riker終其一生所建構的「新政治經濟學」(modern political economy),值得台灣學界重視。 本文將以文獻回顧的方式,完成下列三項內容。其一,從原始著作、學者評論、與訪談資料當中,回顧並重構Riker學術生涯的主要貢獻,提供台灣學界對其完整的理解。本文將Riker的學術生涯作時間與內容的劃分,重點式地探索他主要的論述與思想的轉折,其中特別著重在理性選擇、民主制度、與「操控遊說」(Heresthetics)等概念的緣起與發展。其二,對Riker新政治經濟學的理論與應用,提出討論與評述。本文將以競爭、忽略與接觸等三個學派發展策略為討論核心。其三,從Riker新政治經濟學的角度,對台灣民主發展的研究,提出一些可能的方向。 無論Riker的思想在政治學界引起多少爭議,RCT已成政治學研究重要的「選項」(alternative)是不爭的事實,為了因應該研究途徑未來在台灣的發展,本文藉由回顧Riker的新政治經濟學,協助台灣學界掌握當代政治學中RCT的應用基礎,並對實證政治學、新制度論與政治的經濟分析等當代政治學研究的重要內容,提供從Riker教授思想源頭的整理,因此,本文將有助於台灣政治學界理解並應用RCT的作為,離開過去「進口的假對話」狀態,對本土政治學研究產生實質影響。


William Harrison Riker (1920-1993) is one of the founding fathers of modern political science. Recent calling for ”Perestroika” in the American Political Science Association has demonstrated the dominant but controversial role played by the rational choice school in the academia. As a result, it is urgent for Taiwan's political scientists to know more about this school. First, we try to understand the origin and development of this important school by reviewing William H. Riker's research agenda retrospectively. By focusing on rational choice, democratic institution and ”heresthetics,” we discuss the content, significance, and implications of these three focuses as the hardcore of the rational choice school's research agenda. Second, we find that these research focuses can be interpreted as three strategies of competing, ignoring and synthesizing, adopted by the school to gain its success in the academia. Lastly, we conclude with suggestions for applying the rational choice theory to the study of politics in Taiwan. Regardless of its controversial advancement in political science, RCT has become one of the important alternative approaches in contemporary political research. For its future development in Taiwan's academia, we need to have a basic understanding of its past. There is an important local purpose by reviewing Riker's career contributions through concepts such as positive political theory, new institutionalism, and economic studies of politics. In the past, the RCT in Taiwan's political research is under the condition of ”imported pseudo-dialogue,” i.e., many criticisms but very few substantive researches. This article can be a meaningful beginning of applying RCT in Taiwanese political researches in the future.


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