  • 期刊


A Study of Learning Cycle Teaching Practice on Biological Conceptions at Junior High School


本研究旨在探究國中「生物運輸」單元進行學習環教學後,學生對此單元科學概念具有的認知結構,和接受一般傳輸式教學之學生的概念類型和分佈的情形,以及教師和學生對教室中進行學習環教學的態度和看法。研究的對象包括一位國中生物科教師和其所任教的兩個班級,其中一班進行學習環教學,另一班進行傳統的傳輸式教學。資料的收集包括學生紙筆測驗和個別晤談的結果,以及教師晤談、自我評鑑和學生對學習環教學的態度問卷。 研究結果顯示,進行學習環教學的學生在抗體、血液的還輸功能、維管束和年輪及植物養份運輸方向的概念發展較為良好。在血液循環路徑、葉內水份蒸散過程和根、莖的營養功能等概念上,兩者差異不大。教師在進行學習環教學後,對其在促進學生科學概念學習持肯定的看法;而學生認為,學習環教學的這程中,可以幫助他們掌握課本內容的重點並養成主動探討的習慣。從科學過程的增進,科學概念的學習和學習動機的促進而言,學習環的教學能幫助學生生物概念的發展,值得在其他單元或學科加以推廣。




This study aimed to investigate the cognitive structures, concerning ”transport in living bodies” unit, of students taught this unit through learning cycle teaching and those taught the same unit through expository teaching, and to survey the attitude of the teacher and students toward learning cycle teaching. The subjects were a biology teacher in junior high school and students in two classes under her. Dealing with ”transport in living bodies” unit, the teacher employed learning clcle teaching in one class and expository teaching in the other. Then each student was asked to take a paper-pen test, to fill out a questionaire, concerning their attitudes toward the learning cycle teaching, and to have an interview with the researcher, in the meantime, the teacher was also interviewed and required to have a self-reflection questionaaire. All the results obtained from the above activies were collected as the data in the study. The results of this study, comparing the learning effects of the students who had been taught through learning cycle teaching and that of those who had been taught through expository teaching, indicated that the former had better realization of the concepts of antibody, transport of blood, vascular bundle, annual ring, and transport direction of nutrition of plants than latter, while little difference was found between these two groups of students with respect to the concepts of blood circulation path, transpiration of water within leaves, and nutritional function of roots and stems. As to their attitudes toward learning cycle teaching, the teacher was convinced that this teaching method could facilitate students' learning about scientific concepts, and the students considered it an effective teaching method, which could not only help them grasp the main points in the textbooks but also train them to the active research habit. These results lead us to believe that, in terms of improving scientific process, acquiring scientific concepts, and raising the motivation of learning, learning cycle teaching can help students develop biological concepts so that it is worth being applied further to other units or subjects.




