  • 期刊


An Empirical Investigation on Factors Affecting the Successful Implementation of Web Sites in Hospitals


隨著網際網路的興起,網站已經成為生活中獲取知識及從事商業交易的重要管道。自從實施健保以來,資訊科技在醫院的使用,所佔的份量越來越重。資訊科技運用在醫院是多方面的,不管對醫生和病人都能提供以往所無法達到的服務。所以,不論是在病人就診流程的幫助,例如:網路掛號、門診時間表;或是醫療知識的傳播,例如:上網找尋相關醫療常識、定期接收相關醫療相關的電子報,這些科技運用對於醫療品質提昇與醫療成本降低都有助益。本研究主要目的在於針對已經成功導入醫療網站的醫院作進一步分析,來找出影響醫院導入醫療網站的關鍵因素。 本研究以健保局所提供台灣地區三級醫院為對象,總共寄發538份問卷,回收的問卷共計189份。其中,無效問卷計3份,17份因時間延遲故捨去不用,最後可用的問卷為169份,問卷回收率35%。在分析用的169家醫院資料中,已經使用醫療網站共計117家,比例佔69%;52家未採用醫療網站,比例佔31%,可見醫療網站的採用在國內醫院中已經相當普遍。而醫療網站的成功導入與否,與時間長短有關係,因此加入了時間因素的考量。針對使用醫療網站的117家資料進行因素分析得到了7個因素,分別是:相容性、相對優勢、複雜性、供應商的支援、高階主管的支持、科技認知、與鼓勵變革。而後再利用迴歸分析,來瞭解成功導入醫療網站對於競爭優勢的影響。迴歸分析結果發現:鼓勵變革、相對優勢、與網站設立時間等三項因素是顯著。


With the rise in popularity of the Internet, Web sites have become an important channel for providing services and conducting business transactions. A hospital Web Site can provide a wide range of services to users and allow users to register online without time and place constrains. The benefits of successful Web sites implementation in hospitals include healthcare quality improvement and healthcare cost reduction. However, not all hospitals have successfully implemented their Web sites and hence gained those benefits. The main purpose of this study is to examined factors affecting the successful implementation of Web Sites in Hospitals. A sampling frame was built to include those hospitals listed in the 2003 annual statistic published by the Bureau of National Health Insurance. A total of 538 questionnaires were delivered. Of the 189 returned questionnaires, 20 were excluded because of incomplete answers and late response, leaving 169 usable responses. The response rate thus reached 35%. Among the 169 samples analyzed, 117 (69%) had established medical Web sites, while 52 (31%) had not, demonstrating that medical Web sites have already become fairly common for hospitals in Taiwan. Results from the statistical analysis indicate that encouraging change, relative advantage, and the timing of Web site establishment were significantly correlated with the successful implementation of hospital Web sites. Implications from those findings are also discussed.


Tjong, C. M. (2013). 知識管理導入參考模式暨相關議題研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.11185
