本文比較討論《口鐸日抄》中盧安德(Andrzej Rudomina, 1594-1632)與艾儒略(Giulio Aleni, 1582-1649)有關「心」與「性」之論說的關係與不同強調。盧安德在其口鐸,特別是有關《心圖十八幅》(底本為「仁愛耶穌聖心」(Cor Jesu amanti sacrum, 1586))的論述之「用心」,相對於艾儒略的口鐸/宣教來講,的確存在有一個觀念取徑上的落差和強調。事實上,極具哲學論辯傾向的艾儒略,他在福建所面對的主要是以朱子學為背景、並具強烈理性主義傾向的知識社群。因此其論辯中,自然是想將那種強調概念之可理解的哲學,辯論導回到對啟示的信仰。但盧安德則更多地是從團契導師的態度來鼓勵信徒,尤其是多方面地以指點「心」的功能作用來啟發他的教徒。從《西學凡》以至《性學觕述》,性─無論是物性還是人性─,這個觀念一直是艾儒略的立說重點。因此有關哲學意義的原理規定,也就是性的內涵及規定,自然是他所特別要關心的;而具實踐啟動的心,則就不是那麼關鍵和核心了。但在僅有不多的盧安德口鐸記錄中,他不但多次使用、發揮心這觀念來進行宗教的「知識」接引,並且也時常以譬喻例示來作啟發。因此我們的結論是:艾儒略主要是以訓示作為方法,它即使借用故事,也常隨即轉為「教訓」。而這中間之著重心的指點還是性的解說,正好區分艾儒略與盧安德的差異,以及他們在講論教義上可以互為切磋的規定關係。
The paper examines the Chinese record concerning A. Rudomina's (1596-1633) visualizing human heart in the context of the philosophical debates on the topic of human nature, which was one side of the twofold conversation about Heaven-Human relation between the Jesuits and Chinese scholars in the late imperial China. As an assistant to Guilio Aleni (1582- 1649), Rudomina was shortly involved in during his stay in Fujian. Different from Aleni's literal interpretation of human nature via Scholastic concept of human soul, Rudomina instead attempted to convey it to his Chinese partners of conversation with the images of Cor Jesu amanti sacrum (1586). Moreover, the terminology of Rudomina's narration in this conversation appears to apply both of the two concepts: xin (心, heart) and xing (性, nature). The former term is used more than the latter. Nevertheless, Aleni rather favored the concept xing rather than xin while interpreting the idea of soul. The aforementioned two concepts' connection to the Li (理, the Principle) were indeed in great debate between the two major Confucians schools in Ming China. Though both missionaries were working in the same community in Fujian area, a place where the thought of Master Zhu remained popular in resistance to the widespread of the thought of Wang Yangming school. Rudomina's peculiar presentation of the symbolized human heart (xin) merits further investigation.