  • 期刊


"Caregiver Justice": What Gender Justice Requires Is More than Legal Equality


本文將「性別正義」(gender justice)看待成一種社會批判的產物。因此,對於「性別正義」這個概念的定義方式,本文並非採取類似哲學上建立道德理論的途徑,對概念本身的內容作出嚴密的界定;而是從婦女運動這十多年來對既有性別現象所作的批判與具體的改革成果著手,去分析婦運團體、乃至整個台灣社會對「性別正義」這個概念所持的見解。婦運這十多年對社會所作的批判與改革遍及各個層面,但礙於篇幅的限制,本文將焦點集中在「民法親屬編」修正、和「兩性工作平等法」立法這兩項直接衝擊既有婚姻制度、及勞動市場性別體制的具體成果。 從這兩項改革成果的的檢視與分析,我們發現婦運團體對「性別正義」理念的詮釋並不是用一般人所熟悉的「性別平等」原則就能窮盡的。對婦女團體來說,一個稱得上「性別正義」的社會,性別間的差別待遇當然是不容許的,除此之外,養家者與照顧者間的差別待遇,同樣不被容許存在。「養家者」(breadwinner)與「照顧者」(caregiver)兩者間平等待遇的落實,不應侷限於婚姻與家庭領域,還必須進一步地延伸至公領域。「養家者」不該只由男人來扮演,女人也該擁有這樣的機會;「照顧者」也是如此,因此男人也被賦予使用育嬰假、家庭照顧假的權利。更重要的是,整個社會也不該將回應照顧者的「間接依賴」(secondary dependency)處境、與對照顧者貢獻的肯定,完全視為個別家庭的責任。從「兩性工作平等法」關於「育嬰留職停薪津貼」的規定,我們明白,婦女團體仍舊期待國家能透過類似「照顧者給付」的福利供給制度,部分地替代養家者過去所扮演的「供給者」角色。不過按上面的分析,我們也發現婦女團體對國家作為「供給者」的期待要成真,顯然不是只透過法律體系的改革,就能達成的。它還意涵著一種責任間、所得間的重分配。


Since the notion of ”gender justice” is the product of social critique, whose analytic definition is unavailable, it should be understood by examining how the women's movements in the past decade have transformed our understanding of the gender phenomena and the meaning of gender justice as well. While women's movements have extended their critique and reformation to various aspects of social life, our discussion in this paper shall focus on two subjects: the amendment of ”Family Code”, and the establishment of ”Gender Equality in Employment Law”. For the women's movement, the notion of ”gender justice” is not exhausted by the principle of ”gender equality”. The feminist activists believe that a just society, i.e. a society of ”gender justice”, cannot tolerate the fact of gender discrimination and, furthermore, the discrimination between ”breadwinners” and ”caregivers”. The principle of equal treatment among ”breadwinners” and ”caregivers” applies not only to the sphere of marriage and family, but also to the public sphere. Men and women should have equal opportunity to be the ”breadwinners”, and to be the ”caregivers”. The implications are: men and women should be equally entitled to parental leave and family leave. Furthermore, individual families should no longer be solely responsible for responding to the ”secondary dependency” of the ”caregivers”; the society must acknowledge their contributions and share the responsibility with them. If we look at the regulations for subsidizing employees' wage loss during parental leave in the ”Gender Equality in Employment Law”, we will understand that women's groups expect that, by providing the ”caregiver's benefit”, the state could get involved in the role of ”provider” that used to be taken by ”breadwinners”. However, our discussion shows that such an expectation is unattainable simply by the reformation of legal system; it calls for the redistribution of responsibilities and incomes as well.


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