  • 期刊


Occurrence and Dissemination of Fuarium Wilt of Bitter Gourd in Taiwan



近年台灣發生由Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. momordicae 引起的苦瓜萎凋病,使得農友另覓新值地或水稻輪作田種植苦瓜,而萎凋病卻仍然發生嚴重。經試驗證明苦瓜種子不傳播萎凋病菌,卻是市售苦瓜苗之育苗土污染萎凋病菌所致。調查中部地區16塊連作或經水稻輪作之苦瓜田土壤中之病原菌含量,結果在苦瓜生長期間,從苦瓜連作因土壤獲得10^3-10^4 Propagules/gsoil (p/g);在水稻輪作田則為0-10^2 p/g。然而無論是連作或輪作田,當苦瓜收獲兩個月後,萎凋病菌在土壤中之族群密度皆維持在10^2 p/g 左右。在溫室接種試驗證實日平均氣溫25 C 以上之環境中,每克土壞只要含有萎凋病菌110 p/g即可引起苦瓜萎凋病。


Fusarium wilt of bitter gourd caused by Fusarium oxysparum f. sp. momardicae (Fomo) has become severe and prevalent in Taiwan in recent years even in some fields that were rotated with paddy rice or where bitter gourd was never grown before. Fact showed that the wilt pathogen was carried and disseminated by cultural soil used for growing commercial bitter gourd seedlings. Population densities of the fungus were examined from soil samples collected from 16 fields with different cropping system. The results indieated that Fomo was found at a rate of 10^3-10^4 p/g and 0-10^2 p/g in the soil samples collected from bitter gourd fields during the growing season of where its previous crop was bitter gourd and rice, respectively. However, the populations maintained at 10^2 p/g in both fields two months after harvest. In our greenhouse experiment, 110 p/g of the pathogen in soil was able to induce Fusarium wilt of bitter gourd when daily average air temperature was above 25 C.
