  • 期刊

Evaluation of a Continuing Education Program Using Mintzberg's Role Model for Enhancing Nurse Managers' Work Competence: A Preliminary Report



我國自民國84年實施全民健康保險以來,醫院行政者紛紛採取裁員與組織再造的因應措施;護理管理者的在職進修亦是醫院行政者們爲迎接變遷的醫療環境所採取的策略之一。然而,目前我國各醫院所舉辦的護理長行政訓練課程均未見其驗證之績效;有鑑於此,故本研究採用Mintzberg角色理論,予以設計20個小時的護理管理者的繼續教育課程。本研究是採用類實驗的,探討這繼續教育課程是否能強化護理管理者的工作能力。來自於兩所醫院的20位護理長自願的參與本研究,醫院A的11位護理長爲實驗組接受Minzberg行政管理繼續教育課程(20小時),醫院B的9位護理長屬於控制組接受一般性的護理行政課程(20小時)。在護理行政管理繼續教育課程執行前與後,20位個案均需自填Roemer(1996)的工作能力測量問卷(Work Competence Questionnaire)。研究結果顯示:實驗組(n=11)與控制組(n=9)的護理長們在自覺工作能力改變上有顯著性的差異。參加繼續教育課程的護理長們自覺其在工作能力上有顯著性的提昇。證實了採用Mintzberg角色理論設計的20個小時課程是有效的管理者繼續教育課程。


Health care system reform has been established since 1995 in Taiwan. Hospital administrators selected downsizing and restructuring as part of strategic planning. The administrators have identified the need for continuing education management courses for nurse managers to cope with the changing environment. However, there had been no management course proven beneficial to nurse managers. A 20-hour course, applying Mintzbergs framework, was therefore designed to address the needs of nurse managers. A quasi-experimental study to examine the impact of continuing education programs on nurse managers was conducted to test their work competence. Twenty nurse managers from two hospitals voluntarily participated in the study. Eleven of them from hospital A were given Mintzbergs role model training course (20 hours) and the other 9 from hospital B had a general nursing administration program (20 hours). Roemer’s (1996) work competence questionnaire was given to the 20 candidates before training and collected at the end of the continuing education program. The results indicated that there was a strong significant change of perception on work competencies among nurse managers between the experimental group (a=11) and the control group (n=9). Those who attended the program had their work competence improved. The 20-hour course, applying Mintzbergs framework, proved to be an effective management education program.


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