  • 期刊


Factors Associated with Adolescent Girls' Intention to self-paid Human Papillomavirus Vaccination




Objectives: The aim of this research is to assess the intention of, and the factors related to, adolescent girls to pay for human papillomavirus vaccination. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 809 girls chosen by convenience sampling in Central Taiwan. A valid structured questionnaire was designed and by self write to collect data on demographic characteristics, perceived risk and severity of cervical cancer, benefits of and barriers to human papillomavirus vaccine, and the intention about pay for human papillomavirus vaccination. Results: Two-thirds (67.4%) of the girls were willing to pay for human papillomavirus vaccination up to a maximum of 793 NT dollars (about 26 US dollars). Using stepwise regression, we found barriers to vaccine (i.e. too busy, no money, too far and family don't agree to vaccine) were negative associated with intention and family economic status was positive associated with intention in the full study sample to pay for vaccination (R^2=14.6%). Among the sample subset who are senior high school students (n=416), the barriers to vaccine and smoking status were negative associated with intention, but family economic status, and family history of cervical cancer were positive associated with intention to pay for vaccination (R^2=18.%). Among vocational high school students (n=393), the barriers to vaccine were negative associated with intention and sexual partner were positive associated with intention to pay for vaccination (R^2=24.1%). Conclusions: We suggest eliminating the possible barriers to primary health care in the community. In the educational system, the curricula of military and nursing training programs should provide knowledge that will enable high school girls to increase their awareness of human papillomavirus and their willingness to pay for human papillomavirus vaccination.


WHO cancer control program
Use of Pap smears for women 18 years of age and over according to selected characteristics: United States selected years 1987-2000


Tsai, I. F. (2017). 應用健康信念模式探討21-29歲臨床護理人員接受人類乳突病毒疫苗與子宮頸抹片檢查之相關因素:以北部兩所醫院為例 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201700764
