  • 期刊


Development of Mandarin Multidimensional Health Literacy Questionnaire (MMHLQ)




健康識能 測量 多面向 中文 成人


Objectives: The objective of this study was to develop a tool capable of measuring multidimensional health literacy among adults in Taiwan. Methods: In the first phrase, we adopted focus-group interviews, consultations with experts, and readability check to formulate calibration items. In the second phrase, a calibration sample of 566 adults was recruited to examine the psychometric characteristics of the items and test the fitness of the measurement model. In the last phrase, a validation sample of 2394 adults was used for evaluating cross-validation. Results: CFA demonstrated the high degree of fitness of the proposed second-order five-factor model. The proposed scale covers the following five dimensions: accessing, understanding, appraising, and applying health information, and communication and interaction. The scale includes 20 self-reported items. Psychometric analysis demonstrated that the scale has high internal consistency and test-retest reliability as well as good construct, convergent, discriminant, criterion-related, and known group validity. Cross-validation analysis demonstrated the metric invariance of the scale across the two samples. Cutting scores were selected for criterion-referenced grading. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that the Mandarin Multidimensional Health Literacy Questionnaire (MMHLQ) is a reliable and valid measure of multi-dimensional health literacy. The tool is useful in evaluating the level of health literacy among adult populations as well as in needs assessments geared toward interventions to improve health literacy.


health literacy measurement multi-dimensions Mandarin adults


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