  • 期刊

Emergency Care at a US Major League Baseball Stadium



大型活動所需之緊急救護近年來引起關注。本文分析美國棒球聯盟的比賽活動中所發生的醫療問題,探討緊急救護的準備方向。在1996年棒球季時,從Milwaukee市的81場比賽活動中資料收集。緊急救護由二名護士,二組救護技術員,及一名醫師共同負責。病人的基本資料、主訴、發生地點、診斷及處置均由護士輸入電腦資料庫中。 結果:觀眾人數共1,327,157,每場平均有17,015人。這當中就醫人數比率(8.8/10,000)及危及生之情形(0.05/10,000)雖然較少,但仍存在需高級急救小組之狀況。顯示在此種大型活動中有必要聘用醫師在場。在棒球場外及停車場所發生的意外有110人(9.8%),因此緊急救護之規劃時,不應只注意棒球場內,也需考慮如何迅速動員至週邊場地。而與棒球比賽之關傷害為被球擊傷(5.4%),嚴重者有鼻樑骨析。此種傷害應可加強場地之防護措施而減少發生。


大型活動 緊醫療網 棒球


The objective of this study was to review emergency care at a baseball stadium in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and to provide demographic data about the types of patients treated in this stadium. The following parameters were recorded for all patients who were encountered by emergency care providers during the 1996 baseball season: age, sex, time and location of incident, alcohol involvement, provider impressions, cause, and disposition. In the 81 games of the season, total attendance was 1,327,157, among whom 1171 patients (8.8/10,000 attendance) were treated. Of the patients seen, 59.2% were men and 40.8% were women. The mean age was 32.2±18.1 (range, 1 to 85) years. Seven patients (00.5/10,000 attendance) were life-threatening. Twenty-six patients (0.2/10,000 attendance) require hospital transfer. Forty-two patients were not coded with location as to where patients were encountered, leaving 1129 patients for analysis. The most-common location were the first aid room (54.6% [616/1129]), the seating area (16.6% [187/1129]), the parking lot (5.4% [61/1129]), and outside the stadium (4.3% [49/1129]). It is evident from this study that there is a need to provide advanced life support (ALS) at baseball stadium. Planner of medical care should assign ALS teams to cover not only people inside the stadium but also those outside the stadium.
