  • 期刊


A Study of "Dragonboat Race Development in Erlung Village",Yilan County,Taiwan,R. O. C. 1912-1995


龍舟比賽是中國固有的文化傳統,位於宜蘭縣二龍村的龍舟競賽卻與一般的比賽有所不同,而此項民間運動是在怎樣的時代背景下產生?其歷史根源及現今地方推展情形又如何?筆者為宜蘭子弟,對於此課題有濃厚的興趣是為本研究的動機。本研究的目的是究明宜蘭縣二龍村龍舟發展之全貌。 本研究採歷史研究法及訪問法,蒐集相關資料、訪問二龍村耆老,探究其發展的背景及推展情形。 二龍村分為淇武蘭與洲仔尾上下二庄,其各有兩艘龍舟,平時供奉於各庄之龍舟厝內,船頭及槳上畫有太極圖案,淇武蘭太極以陰在上,洲仔尾太極以陽在上,村民相信兩極船隻來回穿梭可驅鬼避邪、祈求平安。龍舟競渡因歷史久遠,其規則與儀式也承襲地方傳統而有别於一般比賽,比賽前先行祭拜、點睛、下水獻紙頭、巡河之禮後隨即開始競渡,而只敲鑼、不打鼓、不設計時員、裁判員、發令員的比賽規則,是台灣最具特色之一。龍舟競渡是二龍村的命脈,這跨越二世紀的傳承使命,歷經多次停賽,但二龍村村民克服百般挫折,如今更配合政府回歸鄉土、保留傳統文化等政策,相信必能將其傳統及精神順利延續下去。


宜蘭縣 礁溪鄉 二龍村 龍舟


The dragonboat competitions are a kind of traditional Chinese culture and bear unique difference when held in Erlung (or called as twice dragon)village, Yilan county in east Taiwan. In what kind of backgrounds did such folk sports come into being? What is the historical origin and how has it been developed? Born and growing up in Yilan, I have developed heavy interest in these issues when have prompted me into the motivation to do this study into dragon boat development in Erlung village, Yilan county. The study is conducted through historic and interview, with efforts to gather up relevant dated, interview folks in Erlung village to look into the development background and promotion. Erlung village conducted of two ”changes”(communities) as chiwulan and choutzwei which have two dragonboats each. The dragonboats are placed in the dragon boath all year round, with” Tai chi”motifs pointed at the head and on the row. The ”Tai chi” of chiwulan shows positive parp on the upper side while that of choutzwei shows negative part on the upper side. The local village folks believe drag on boats bearing the ”Tai chi” signs when shuttling to and from will dispel evils and bring up peace. With the long historical tradition. The rules and ceremonies for dragonboat races significantly differ from other same games. In the races, the contestants would first worship, paint the dragon eyes and launch the boats. The races start up after the river patrol ceremonices. They beat only goings without drums and without timekeepers, referees, start gunholder. Such rules make the races unique in Taiwan. Dragonboat races are virtually the llife blood for Erlung village and were on cediscontinued during the two-centry heritage. All villagers of Erlung village have, anyway, undauntedly safeguards the tradition by overcoming all challenges and setbacks. Today, they have further echoed the government policy of ”Back to native land ”and” Promoting traditional culture”. The drag on boat races and their spirits are believed to be continuously carried forward for centuries ahead.


Yilan county Dragonboat race Folk sport
