  • 期刊


Dynamical Comparison of Different Extended Movements of Lower Extremities


目的:本研究的目的在比較下肢蹬伸動作在不同人體運動中的動力學差異。方法:以八位男性游泳選手為研究對象(年齡17.8 ± 0.6歲;身高1.76 ± 0.05公尺;體重67.3 ± 5.5公斤;訓練年數8.0 ± 2.9年),並將一台Redlake高速攝影機(250Hz)和一台Kistler(500Hz)測力板同步來收集所需要的資料。動因學和運動學參數分別藉由Kistler BioWare和Peak Motus 7.0軟體分析求得;另外,經由逆動力學的計算求得下肢凈關節肌肉力矩、功率。最後以重複量數單因子變異數分析進行三種動作的參數考驗(a = .05)。結果:下蹲跳時,踝、膝和髖關節肌群對產生能量的貢獻較為平均,對吸收能量的貢獻則以髖和膝關節為主,分佔49%和39%;立定跳遠動作時,髖關節肌群吸收能量的貢獻更高達54%;抓台出發時,產生能量的主要貢獻者為膝關節,約佔78%,而能量的吸收則以髖關節為主,約佔73%。就整體貢獻來看,膝關節在抓台出發時的貢獻程度明顯比在另二種跳法時來得大,但踝和髖關節則否。結論:游泳抓台出發、下蹲跳和立定跳遠雖然同樣都是下肢蹬伸動作,但抓台出發在動作型態和關節肌群的能量貢獻程度皆和下蹲跳與立定跳遠相差甚大;建議教練在指導及訓練抓台出發時應著重其特殊性來作為指導選手的依據。


抓台出發 游泳 逆動力學 能量


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare dynamical characteristics of lower extremities extension movements among different human motion Methods: Eight male swimmers (Ages 17.8 ± 0.6 yr, heights 1.76 ± 0.05 m, body masses 67.3 ± 5.5 kg, and training years 8.0 ± 2.9 yr) voluntarily participated in this study. One Readlake high-speed video camera operating at 250 Hz and one Kistler force plate (500Hz) were used to synchronizely collect data. Kinetic and kinematic parameters were derived from Kistler BioWare and Peak Motus 7.0 software, respectively. Inverse dynamic method was used to calculate net muscle joint moment and power of the lower extremities. Differences of parameters among three extended movements were analyzed by using repeated one-way ANOVA. Results: Ankle, knee and hip muscles had more average contribution in energy generation during countermovement jump. In energy absorption, hip and knee muscles were considered as primary contributors (about 49% and 39%). Hip contributed more in energy absorption (54%) during standing long jump. In swimming grab start, the primary energy generator was knee muscles (78 ± 6.6 %), and the primary energy absorber was hip muscles (about 73%). Knee joint contributed mostly in grab start than that of other jumps, but ankle and hip joints were not. Conclusion: Swimming grab start, countermovement jump, and standing long jump involved lower limb's extension power, but the patterns of motion and energy contributions in grab start were different from other jumps. Based on present study findings, we suggested that coaches should rely on the specific of grab start in instructing and training.


grab start inverse dynamics work energy


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