  • 期刊


Validation of the Sport Team Justice Perception Questionnaire: Based on Organizational Justice




Purpose: Based on the concept of organizational justice, the purpose of this study was to develop a Chinese scale via measure athletes' justice perception in a sport team. Methods: The measure was validated in 3 separate studies Participants were. four-hundred and forty-six collegiate athletes in study 1 & 2. One-hundred and eighty-six athletes were recruited in study 3. Items for this measure were adapted from Colquitt's (2001) and Niehoff & Moorman's (1993) organizational justice scales. Results: First study (N = 223) was conducted with a series of back-translation, item analysis, and exploratory factor analysis. We deleted an item which loaded on two factors. Second study was conducted factor analysis (extracted 5 factors), confirmatory factor analyses, item analysis and used sport commitment as a criterion variable. We established convergent validity of athletes' justice perception by cohesion and sport enjoyment and discriminate validity by ego-oriented motivation climate. Conclusions: Confirmatory factor analyses supported a 5-factor structure to the measurement, with distributive, procedural, voice, interpersonal, and informational justice as distinct dimensions. Regression analyses also demonstrated criterion-related validity for the measurement on sport commitment, enjoyment and team cohesion. Finally, a 25-item, Chinese version of scale for measuring ”The Sport Team Justice Perception Questionnaire” was developed.


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