  • 期刊


Investigation of Whole-body Vibration Training on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics in Mice


緒論:近年來振動訓練是一種新穎訓練方式,相關研究提出振動訓練是可以提升肌力、爆發力與運動表現並適合應用於不同年齡族群中。本研究探討不同強度全身振動訓練介入對於生物體運動表現、運動疲勞以及生理生化反應之影響。方法:使用四週大雄性C57BL/6J品系小鼠為模式,隨機分作三組,每組8隻動物:(1)無振動訓練對照組(sedentary control, SC);(2)相對較低強度振動訓練組(5.6 Hz/0.13 g; relative low-intensity vibration, LV);(3)相對較高強度振動訓練組(13 Hz/0.68 g; relative high-intensity vibration, HV)。振動訓練以每日振動15分鐘,每週5次,為期4週,隨後進行各項測試包括:前肢抓力、衰竭性耐力運動測驗、疲勞生化指標分析、臨床血液生化檢測以及病理組織切片觀察。數據以單因子變異數進行分析(SAS統計軟體),並以Duncan's test考驗不同組之間是否存在顯著差異,當p<.05時達統計上之顯著水準。結果:兩組接受振動訓練(LV與HV)介入的小鼠比對照組,具有顯著提升肌力和衰竭性耐力運動的時間。在疲勞與肌肉損傷相關生化指標部分,振動訓練具有明顯降低單次運動測試後血氨與血乳酸濃度以及肌酸激酶活性上升的作用。在臨床血液生化方面,四週振動訓練顯著降低草醋酸轉胺酶、麩丙酮酸轉胺酶與肌酸激酶活性,以及尿素氮濃度。結論:本研究證實振動訓練四週的連續介入下,具有提升運動表現與抗疲勞之作用,而且不會造成健康小鼠在生理生化以及病理上之副作用。在提供一般健康成人的運動訓練指導上,全身振動訓練極具有健康促進的應用性。


前肢抓力 有氧耐力 乳酸 血氨 肌酸激酶


Introduction: Vibration is a novel exercise training methods in recent years and many studies showed it could enhance the strength, power and physical performance in for all age populations and physical disabilities. In current studies, we try to investigate the effects of whole-body vibration training (WBV) on physiological and biochemical characteristics and anti-fatigue physiological activities in a mouse model. Methods: Twenty-four male C57BL/6 mice age 4 wk with SPF (specific pathogen free) certification were divided randomly into three groups (n = 8 per group): (i) sedentary control (SC), (ii) WBV at relative low-intensity (5.6 Hz, 0.13 g) (VL), or (iii) relative high-intensity (13 Hz, 0.68 g) WBV (VH). Animals of two vibration groups were subjected to vibration stimulus 15min/day, 5 days/week for 4 weeks. The exercise performance and exercise-induced fatigue test were evaluated using forelimb grip strength, endurance swimming time, exercise-related biochemical variables and pathological evaluation. Statistical differences among groups were analyzed by a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Cochran-Armitage test for dose-effect trend analysis with use of SAS v9.0 (SAS Inst., Cary, NC, USA). p < .05 was considered as statistical significance. Results: Two WBV groups (the LV and HV groups) showed increased grip strength and exhaustive endurance time as compared to the SC group. And, WBV also produced dose-dependent decreases in serum lactate, ammonia and glucose levels after a single bout exercise test. In serum marker assays, WBV also significantly decreases the fasting serum levels of aminotransferases (AST and ALT), CK (creatine kinase) and blood urea nitrogen. Conclusion: The results of the current study suggest that 4-week WBV can improve exercise performance, anti-fatigue capacity, and has no adverse side effects on clinical biochemical assessments in health mice. Therefore, we suggest that WBV may have important health outcome implications as we work to design better exercise programs for general health people.


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