  • 期刊


The Development of Settlement in Gueiren District, Tainan City(1895-2016)




Industrialization accompanied urbanization in 1970s, leading to landscape change in rural-urban fringe. In this study, we discuss about rainfall in Gueiren District, one of the satellite towns of Tainan City and a rural-urban fringe of Tainan City. The purpose of this study is mainly to discuss the development and settlement factors and land use in Gueiren District from Japanese colonial period to the present day and the change of lifestyle of residents due to the influence of urban expansion in Gueiren District after World War II. We understand that huge difference exists in different regions of Gueiren District due to the distance between Gueiren District and central Tainan as well as due to the difference in natural environment. Farmlands in the northern and central parts of Gueiren District are mainly occupied with paddy fields watered by Yanshuei River. The southern part of Gueiren District is limited by depth and is a main upland field where only ground water supply is available. Moreover, the southern region of Gueiren far from Japanese colonial era is primarily a sugar cane field of Rende sugar refinery of Taiwan Sugar Corporation. After World War II, the northern and southern parts of Gueiren District have not yet well developed and are still a rural landscape. Conversely, because of industrialization and the city planning of Gueiren in 1960s, the central part of Gueiren has become an area of industrialized and residential land that is still expanding along Zhongshan road. Until the past two decades, Taiwan High Speed Rail Tainan Station and other public constructions were set up in the southern part of Gueiren District due to the transformation of Taiwan Sugar Corporation. In conclusion, the development of Gueiren is influenced by urban expansion and urban planning.


Tainan Metropolis Baosi Gueiren Datan Shalun


