  • 期刊


A Study on the Concept of Law Knowledge for Junior High School Students in Ping Tung Area


本研究旨在建構國中生法律知識概念內涵與探討國中生法律知識概念現況。研究者分別以「修訂式德懷術問卷」建構國中法律知識概念內涵,發展「國中生法律知識概念問卷」為研究工具。以屏東縣縣立國中三年級學生為研究母群,採分層抽樣的方式,獲取有效問卷共637份,回收率92.86%。本研究運用SPSS 13.0套裝軟體,依據研究目的採描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸等統計分析。 研究結論如下:一、以修訂式德懷術研究法,建構「法律素養」、「基本權利與義務」、「訴訟與救濟」、「與青少年相關法律」四大類別及四十三項「國中生法律知識概念內涵」。二、國中生法律知識概念之平均總分是30.06分,答對率為69.91%;女生之法律知識概念顯著優於男生;市區型學校與鄉鎮型學校學生顯著優於偏遠型學校學生。三、國中生社會學習領域法律課程學習態度五等量表之平均得分為3.45分;女生之學習態度總分顯著優於男生。四、國中生法律知識概念與社會領域法律課程之學習態度間呈顯著正相關。五、社會領域學期成績、國二下學期總成績、及社會領域法律課程作業的態度等三個變項對國中生之法律知識概念具有預測力。


This study was to construct the concept of law knowledge for junior high school students, and to explore the differences of the concept of law knowledge owned by students. A survey was conducted in this study. The research instruments included ”the questionnaire of the concept of law knowledge for junior high school students” developed by the modified Delphi method and ”the questionnaire of learning attitude in sociology of junior high school students” designed by researcher. A stratified random sample of 686 junior high school students was drawn from the 9th grader students in the Pingtung county of Taiwan. There were 637 questionnaires were sufficient as the result of 92.86%. All the data were analyzed by SPSS 13.0 with the t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product correlation, and the multiple regressions. The results of this study could be conducted as the following: (1) The three rounds of modified Delphi technique were conducted for four major classifications: equipment of law, right and duty, action and almsgiving, and the related law about teenager, and 43 sub-concepts. (2)The average rate of correct in law knowledge test was 69.91%. The girls’ scores were superior to the boys'. And the schools' scores in urban area and villages were better than the remote area. (3)The average score of learning attitude in sociology was 3.45. The girls' scores were superior to the boys'. (4)There was positive correlation between the concept of law knowledge and the learning attitude in sociology. (5)There were three predictors: the term scores in sociology, the term scores of 8th grade, and the learning attitude in homework which significantly influenced the concept of law knowledge of junior high school students.


