  • 期刊


The Differences in Father Images Perceived by Amis Children and Han Children


由於在阿美族傳統為母姓社會,男性在家中的地位相對較低,「父親」在阿美族家庭中的功能、角色與「父親」在漢人家庭中的角色和功能應有明顯的差異。在這樣家庭文化中成長的子女會如何看待「父親」、如何描繪「父親」?這是本研究想要探究的議題。 研究者以台東市六所原住民學童比例較高之515位國小五年級學生(其中有337名漢族學童、120名阿美族學童、以及58名其他族群學童)為研究對象,讓學童以「我的父親」為題寫作,以探究阿美族學童與漢人學童所知覺、想像的父親意象有何差異。研究發現,在這些國小學童的作文中,「大樹/太陽」、「玩伴」、「博士/老師」、「菸鬼/酒鬼」、「暴君」、「陌生人」是最普遍的父親意象。基本上,兩族群學童作文中呈現的父親意象大同而小異。就各主要意象出現的頻次順序而言,阿美族學童的父親意象較漢人學童的父親意象稍有負面意涵;變異數分析的結果則顯示,兩個族群在「博士/老師」這個父親意象上有顯著的差異(此意象在漢人學童作文中較為強烈),並在「迷糊鬼」及「散財童子」這個意象上有邊際顯著的差異(漢人學童此父親意象分數較高)。


原住民 阿美族 父親意象


In traditional Amis family, a husband possesses a lower position comparatively to their wife and their Han counterpart. Divorce and remarriage receive little negative sanction in this culture. The father's roles and functions in a Amis family should be notably different from those in a Han family. This study intend to explore how children grow up in this cultural context perceive and describe their fathers. In this research, 515 fifth-graders from 6 elementary schools with substantial ratio of Amis students (n=120) were selected as the subjects. Students essays with 'my father' as the prompt were collected and analyzed to examine the differences between the perceived father images of the Amis children and Han children. We found that ”big tree/sun” image, ”playmate” image, ”scholar” image, ”substance abuser” image, ”bad temper” image, and ”stranger” image were the most prevailing images in children's essays. The father images of the Amis children were similar to those of the Han children with some small differences. The order of frequencies manifested a somewhat gloomier father images of the Amis children. The ANOVA results showed that the two groups of children differed significantly in the ”scholar” image (with Han students higher) and marginally significant in the ”mindless guy” and ”shopping king” images.


indigenous people Amis tribe father image
