  • 期刊


The Best Witness of the Transition ofa Century-Old School-The 18th Principal of Ligang Elementary School at Pingtung


里港國小創立於日本明治三十三年(西元一九○○年)八月,當時稱為「阿里港公學校」,地點在孔子廟(雪峰書院原址),這是屏北第一所正式的學校。由於當時台灣受日本人的統治,又在第二次世界大戰後回歸中國統治,所以里港國小的發展史有其特別之處。其發展大致可分成三個階段,即:奠定根基的日式教育時期(1900~1945)、克難成長的國民學校時期(1945~1968)、及發展特色的九年國教時期(1968~2008)。 而該校第十八任校長楊明義,在整個學校發展史當中,扮演著「三進校門救火,走過所有變革」的地位,在該校發展歷史中,可說是一位奇特的人物。小學進入里港「公學校」就讀,四年級進入「複式教學班」,後又就讀「高等科」;任教里港「東國民學校」,帶好一班沒人要教的「牛頭班」;擔任里港「國民學校」教員,來挽救「創校最低的升學率」;調任里港「國民小學」校長,整頓「人事不安」的母校與編撰校史。他剛好走過了里港國小發展中,所有制度之變革。因此,探討他在里港國小的經歷,亦可一窺日治時期以來台灣國民小學教育變遷之軌跡。他真不愧為這所百年老校變遷的最佳見證者!


The Ligang Elementary School was established in August 1900 (Meiji 33 in Japanese calendar). It was called ”The Ah-Ligang Public School” at that time and located in the Confucius temple (formally located Sheue-Feng Academy). It was the first formal public school in northern Pingtung County. At that time Taiwan was under the Japanese colonization and then was given back to China after World War II. Due to this special historical background, the Ligang Elementary School had a special course of development that could be roughly divided into three stages. In stage one (1900-1945), the foundation of the school was established under the Japanese education system. Stage two, the Civil School Period (1945-1968), could be categorized as a growth in difficulty and frugality. And stage three (1968~2008) focused on developing the school's specific features within the national Nine-year Obligatory Education Program. In the history of the school's development, the 18th principal, Mr. Ming-Yi Yang, was a distinguished educator, who played a role of school saver, undergoing all the educational reforms. Principal Yang attended Ligang Public School, and in 4th grade he was enrolled in a “combo class.” He continued his education in ”High school of 2-year” He became a teacher at ”East Civil School” in Ligang, where he devoted himself to a remedial class (which no other teachers wanted to teach) and succeeded in improving both children's academic achievement as well as behaviors. Then he taught at Ligang ”Civil School” and helped to lift up the lowest middle school entrance rate in the school's history. Mr. Yang was then appointed as the principal of Ligang Elementary School. He ironed out the turbulence of personnel matters and initiated the compilation of the school's history. Throughout his career in Ligang Elementary School, Principal Yang happened to see all the developmental changes of the school. Therefore, from probing into his presidency, we could also investigate the overall course of Taiwanese elementary schools' educational reforms since the Japanese colonization period. He deserved to be the best witness of the transition of this century-old school.
