雖然黑色土在台灣林地僅呈點狀分佈,但其表育層含有大量的有機物質,不僅直接影響林木的種類,且因地形、氣候與母質等成土條件的差異而改變土壤化育作用之途徑,同時在分類上更有其不同的地位。本研究選擇分別化育自不同母質及環境之紗帽山、鴛鴦湖、石棹、芝田與銅安山等五個代表性之黑色土樣體,探討顏色對其形態特徵、理化性質與粘土礦物組成的影響,並探討台灣黑色土在美國土壤分類系統中土壤分類學上適當的綱目。 研究結果顯示,五個代表性黑色土所具有的表育層分別為烏黑、有機、黑沃與黑瘠等表育層,其中以具有有機表育層的鴛鴦湖樣體屬於有機質土,其他全為礦質土,但共同的特徵是CEC值都很高。紗帽山樣體為一火山灰土壤(Andisol),含有大量無定型物質,PH在5以下,粘土礦物主要為高嶺石與水鋁氧化石,並有次量的鋁英石。鴛鴦湖樣體有機層之有機物含量都在110g/kg以上,終年處於浸水之還原狀態,為一濕地土壤,分類上屬於有機質土(Hiatosol)。石棹樣體僅為弱度化育之弱育土(Inceptisol),剖面中隨著有機物含量向下遞減而CEC也愈來愈小,粘土礦物組成主要為蛭石與水鋁氧。芝田與銅安山樣體的pH值趨向中性,含有大量的蒙特石,遊離鐵含量並不高,有機物並不是其B化育層黑暗色彩的主因,高粘粒含量、膨脹性礦物與低鐵含量才是主因。芝田樣體有明顯的斷面擦痕,分類上屬於膨轉土(Vertisol),銅安山樣體則分類為黑沃土(Mollisol)。
Black soils are locally distributed in Taiwan. The epipedons contain a large amount of organic matter which strongly influence not only vegetation, but also soil genesis and classification. The morphological characteristics, physical and chemical properties, and clay mineral compositions of five representative black soil pedons derived from various parent materials were analyzed and classified according to soil taxonomy in this study. From the results, melanic, histic, mollic, and umbric epipedons were identified in the five pedons. Except for the Yuanyanhu pedon with its histic epipedon, the other soils were mineral soils. All five pedons had high CECs. The Shamaoshan pedon with high amorphous material content was classified as an Andisol. Its pH value is less than 5, and the major clay minerals are kaolinite, gibbsite, and allophane; the choice of this category was strongly influenced by the black color throughout the profile. The Yuanyanhu pedon, classified as a Histosol, is located along a lake and is under reduction conditions throughout the year. The organic carbon contents in the O horizon is more than 110g/kg, and the soil belongs to wetland soils. The Shihjou pedon which was weakly weathered was classified as an Inceptisol. The organic carbon content and CEC decreased with depth in the profile. Gibbsite and vermiculite are the major clay minerals. The soil pH of the Tsutian and Tonganshan pedons are neutral. Their basic color comes from the high-swelling clay minerals of intrinsic gray color and low free-iron contents, not because of organic matter. The Tsutian pedon with slickenside properties was classified as a Vertisol, and the Tonganshan pedon as a Mollisol.